By default, bindings are inserted into the output as-is; no consideration is given as to whether the target variable or file is XML, HTML, JSON etc. That is, the target file type is always treated as plain text.
Octopus variable substitutions support filters to correctly encode values for a variety of target file types. These are invoked using the |
(pipe) operator.
Given the variable:
Name | Value | Scope |
ProjectName | You & I |
And the template:
<h3>#{ProjectName | HtmlEscape}</h3>
The result will be:
<h3>You & I</h3>
That is, the ampersand has been encoded correctly for use in an HTML document.
The filters provided by Octopus are for use with trusted input; don’t rely on them to sanitize data from potentially malicious sources.
Provided filters
Octopus provides a number of different types of filters for variable values:
Core filters
These core filters perform common string operations.
Name | Purpose | Example input | Example output |
Format | Applies a format | 4.3 | $4.30 |
Replace | Replaces a pattern | 1;2;3 | 1, 2, 3 |
ToLower | Forces values to lowercase | Automated Deployment | automated deployment |
ToUpper | Forces values to uppercase | Automated Deployment | AUTOMATED DEPLOYMENT |
Trim | Removes whitespace from the start/end | ···Bar··· | Bar |
Truncate | Limits the length of values | Octopus Deploy | Octopus... |
Substring | Extracts a range of characters by position | Octopus Deploy | Deploy |
The Format filter allows for converting of input based on an additionally provided argument that is passed to the .ToString()
MyVar Value | Filter Expression | Output |
4.3 | #{MyVar | Format C} | $4.30 |
2030/05/22 09:05:00 | #{MyVar | Format yyyy} | 2030 |
#{ | NowDate | Format Date MMM} | Nov | |
#{Octopus.Deployment.Created} | #{MyVar | Format "MM/dd/yyyy"} | 01/01/2020 |
#{Octopus.Deployment.Created} | #{MyVar | Format "hh:mm:ss tt zz"} | 11:09:38 AM +01 |
The Replace filter performs a regular expression replace function on the variable. The regular expression should be provided in the .NET format. Double quotes need to be used around any expressions that contain whitespace or special characters. Expressions containing double quotes can not be expressed inline, but can be done via nested variables. If both the search and replace expressions are variables, ensure there is no space between the expressions. For using Replace on special characters, you should escape the first parameter which will be the regex but the second parameter can be left as a string - see last example below.
MyVar Value | Filter Expression | Output |
abc | #{MyVar | Replace b} | ac |
abc | #{MyVar | Replace b X} | aXc |
a b c | #{MyVar | Replace "a b" X} | X c |
ab12c3 | #{MyVar | Replace "[0-9]+" X} | abXcX |
abc | #{MyVar | Replace "(.)b(.)" "$2X$1" } | cXa |
abc | #{MyVar | Replace #{match} #{replace}} | a_c (when match =b and replace =_ ) |
abc | #{MyVar | Replace #{match} _} | a_c (when match =b ) |
a\b | #{MyVar | Replace "\\" "\\\\"} | a\\b |
The Substring filter extracts a range of characters from the input and outputs them. If two arguments are supplied, they are interpreted as start and end offsets of the range. If only one argument is supplied, it is interpreted as the end offset of a range starting at 0.
MyVar Value | Filter Expression | Output |
Octopus Deploy | #{MyVar | Substring 8 6} | Deploy |
Octopus Deploy | #{MyVar | Substring 7} | Octopus |
Octopus Deploy | #{MyVar | Substring 2 3} | top |
The Trim filter removes any whitespace from the ends of the input. Both ends are trimmed unless an optional argument of start
or end
is provided.
MyVar Value | Filter Expression | Output |
···Bar··· | #{MyVar | Trim} | Bar |
···Bar··· | #{MyVar | Trim start} | Bar··· |
···Bar··· | #{MyVar | Trim end} | ···Bar |
The Truncate filter limits the length of the input. If the input is longer than the length specified by the argument, the rest is replaced with an ellipsis.
MyVar Value | Filter Expression | Output |
Octopus Deploy | #{MyVar | Truncate 7} | Octopus... |
abc | #{MyVar | Truncate 7} | abc |
Comparison filters
These filters return true
or false
depending on the result of a comparison. They are typically useful for specifying the condition in an #{if}
Name | Purpose | Example input | Example output |
Contains | Determines whether a string contains a given string | Octopus Dep | true |
EndsWith | Determines whether the end of a string matches a given string | Deploy | true |
Match | Determines whether a string contains a given regular expression pattern | "Octo.*Deploy" | true |
StartsWith | Determines whether the beginning of a string matches a given string | Octo | true |
The Match filter searches the input for an occurrence of a given regular expression pattern. It returns true
if an occurrence is found, and false
otherwise. The regular expression should be provided in the .NET format. Double quotes need to be used around any expressions that contain whitespace or special characters. Expressions containing double quotes can not be expressed inline, but can be done via nested variables.
MyVar Value | Filter Expression | Output |
abc | #{MyVar | Match abc} | true |
abc | #{MyVar | Match def} | false |
a b c | #{MyVar | Match "a b"} | true |
ab12c3 | #{MyVar | Match "ab[0-9]+"} | true |
abc | #{MyVar | Match #{pattern}} | true (when match =abc ) |
StartsWith, EndsWith and Contains
The StartsWith, EndsWith and Contains filters compare the input to a given string argument. They return true
if the argument matches, and false
otherwise. The comparison is case-sensitive. Strings are compared as Ordinals. Double quotes need to be used around any expressions that contain whitespace or special characters. Expressions containing double quotes can not be expressed inline, but can be done via nested variables.
MyVar Value | Filter Expression | Output |
abc | #{MyVar | StartsWith ab} | true |
abc | #{MyVar | StartsWith bc} | false |
abc | #{MyVar | StartsWith Ab} | false |
abc | #{MyVar | EndsWith bc} | true |
abc | #{MyVar | EndsWith ab} | false |
abc | #{MyVar | EndsWith bC} | false |
abc | #{MyVar | Contains bc} | true |
abc | #{MyVar | Contains ab} | true |
abc | #{MyVar | Contains AbC} | false |
a b(c | #{MyVar | Contains " b("} | true |
a"b"c | #{MyVar | Contains #{str}} | true (when str ="b" ) |
Conversion filters
These filters provide a mechanism to convert a value from one form to another.
Name | Purpose | Example input | Example output |
FromBase64 | Converts values from Base64 (using UTF encoding) | QmF6 | Bar |
ToBase64 | Converts values to Base64 (using UTF encoding) | Bar | QmF6 |
MarkdownToHTML | Converts Markdown to HTML | This \_rocks\_ | \<p>This \<em>rocks\</em>\</p> |
Date filters
These filters are used to work with dates.
Name | Purpose | Example input | Example output |
NowDate | Outputs the current date | 2016-11-03T08:53:11.0946448 | |
NowDateUtc | Outputs the current date in UTC | 2016-11-02T23:01:46.9441479Z |
NowDate and NowDateUtc
The NowDate and NowDateUtc filters take no variable input but can take an additional optional right-hand side argument to define the string format (Defaults to ISO-8601 Round-trip format).
MyFormat Variable | Filter Expression | Output |
#{ | NowDate } | 2016-11-03T08:53:11.0946448 | |
#{ | NowDateUtc} | 2016-11-02T23:01:46.9441479Z | |
#{ | NowDate "HH dd-MMM-yyyy"} | 09 03-Nov-2016 | |
#{ | NowDateUtc zz} | +00 | |
dd-MM-yyyy | #{ | NowDate #{MyFormat}} | 03-Nov-2016 |
Escaping filters
These filters apply format-specific escaping rules.
Name | Purpose | Example input | Example output |
HtmlEscape | Escapes entities for use in HTML content | 1 < 2 | 1 \< 2 |
JsonEscape | Escapes data for use in JSON strings | He said "Hello!" | He said \\"Hello!\\" |
PropertiesKeyEscape | Escapes data for use in .properties keys | Hey: x=y | Hey\:\ x\=y |
PropertiesValueEscape | Escapes data for use in .properties values | a\b=c | a\\b=c |
UriEscape | Escape a URI string | A b:c+d/e | A%20b:c+d/e |
UriDataEscape | Escape a URI data string | A b:c+d/e | A%20b%3Ac%2Bd%2Fe |
XmlEscape | Escapes entities for use in XML content | 1 < 2 | 1 \< 2 |
YamlDoubleQuoteEscape | Escapes data for use in YAML double quoted strings | "Hello"\Goodbye | \"Hello\"\\Goodbye |
YamlSingleQuoteEscape | Escapes data for use in YAML single quoted strings | The bee's knees | The bee''s knees |
Extraction filters
These filters extract a part of value.
Name | Purpose | Example input | Example output |
UriPart | Extracts a specified part of a URI string | | /docs |
VersionMajor | Extracts the major version field from a version string | | 1 |
VersionMinor | Extracts the minor version field from a version string | | 2 |
VersionPatch | Extracts the patch version field from a version string | | 3 |
VersionRevision | Extracts the revision version field from a version string | | 4 |
VersionPreRelease | Extracts the prerelease field from a version string | | my-branch.1.2 |
VersionPreReleasePrefix | Extracts the prefix from the prerelease field from a version string | | my-branch |
VersionPreReleaseCounter | Extracts the counter from the prerelease field from a version string | | 1.2 |
VersionMetadata | Extracts the metadata field from a version string | | build10 |
The UriPart filter parses the input as a URI and extracts a specified part of it. A helpful error will be written to the output if there is an error in the input or the filter expression.
MyVar Value | Filter Expression | Output |
---|---|---| | #{MyVar | UriPart AbsolutePath} | /docs | | #{MyVar | UriPart AbsoluteUri} | | | #{MyVar | UriPart Authority} | | | #{MyVar | UriPart DnsSafeHost} | | | #{MyVar | UriPart Fragment} | #filters | | #{MyVar | UriPart Host} | | | #{MyVar | UriPart HostAndPort} | | | #{MyVar | UriPart HostNameType} | Dns | | #{MyVar | UriPart IsAbsoluteUri} | true | | #{MyVar | UriPart IsDefaultPort} | true | | #{MyVar | UriPart IsFile} | false | | #{MyVar | UriPart IsLoopback} | false | | #{MyVar | UriPart IsUnc} | false | | #{MyVar | UriPart Path} | /docs | | #{MyVar | UriPart PathAndQuery} | /docs?filter=faq | | #{MyVar | UriPart Port} | 443 | | #{MyVar | UriPart Query} | ?filter=faq | | #{MyVar | UriPart Scheme} | https | | #{MyVar | UriPart SchemeAndServer} | | | #{MyVar | UriPart UserInfo} | username:password |
Differences from regular variable bindings
Because of the flexibility provided by the extended syntax, variables that are not defined will result in the source text, e.g. #{UndefinedVar}
being echoed rather than an empty string, so that evaluation problems are easier to spot and debug. The if
construct can be used to selectively bind to a variable only when it is defined, e.g. to obtain identical “empty” variable functionality as shown in the first example:
Server=#{if DatabaseServer}#{DatabaseServer}#{/if};
JSON parsing
Octostache 2.x includes an update to support parsing JSON formatted variables natively, and using their contained properties for variable substitution.
Given the variable:
Name | Value | Scope |
Custom.MyJson | {Name: "t-shirt", Description: "I am a shirt", Sizes: [{size: "small", price: 15.00}, {size: "large", price: 20.00}]} | |
Custom.MyJson.Description | Shirts are not shorts. |
And the template:
#{Custom.MyJson.Name} - #{Custom.MyJson.Description}
From: #{Custom.MyJson.Sizes[0].price | Format C}
Sizes: #{Custom.MyJson.Sizes}
The result will be:
t-shirt - Shirts are not shorts
From: $15.00
Sizes: [{size: "small", price: 15.00}, {size: "large", price: 20.00}]
There are a few things to note here:
- The Name property is extracted from the JSON using either dot-notation or indexing.
- Providing an explicit project variable overrides one obtained by walking through the JSON.
- Arrays can be accessed using standard numerical index notation.
- Variables can map to a sub-section of the JSON variable.
Repetition over json
Given the variables:
Name | Value |
MyNumbers | [5,2,4] |
MyObjects | {Cat: {Price: 11.5, Description: "Meow"}, Dog: {Price: 17.5, Description: "Woof"}} |
And the template:
#{each number in MyNumbers}
- #{number}
#{each item in MyObjects}
#{item.Key}: #{item.Value.Price}
The resulting text will be:
- 5
- 2
- 4
Cat: 11.5
Dog: 17.5
Older versions
- Comparison filters are available from Octopus Deploy 2021.2 onwards.
extraction filters are available from Octopus Deploy 2020.5 onwards.PropertiesKeyEscape
escape filters are available from Octopus Deploy 2020.4 onwards.
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Page updated on Wednesday, August 28, 2024