octopus build-information delete

Delete a build information in Octopus Deploy

  octopus build-information delete <id> [flags]

  delete, del, rm, remove

  -y, --confirm             Don't ask for confirmation before deleting the build information.
  -p, --package-id string   The Package ID of the build information to delete
  -v, --version string      The version of the build information to delete

Global Flags:
  -h, --help                   Show help for a command
      --no-prompt              Disable prompting in interactive mode
  -f, --output-format string   Specify the output format for a command ("json", "table", or "basic") (default "table")
  -s, --space string           Specify the space for operations


Octopus Samples instance

Many of the examples we use, reference the samples instance of Octopus Deploy. If you’d like to explore the samples instance, you can log in as a guest.

$ octopus build-information delete BuildInformation-1
$ octopus build-info rm BuildInformation-1
$ octopus build-info del --package-id ThePackage --version 1.2.3

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Page updated on Thursday, December 5, 2024