
You can deploy software to the Azure cloud by adding your Azure subscription to Octopus. With an active Azure subscription, you can use Octopus to deploy to Azure Cloud Service targets, Azure Service Fabric targets, and Azure Web App targets.

Before you can deploy software to Azure, you need to add your Azure subscription to Octopus Deploy.

Microsoft Entra ID account authentication method

When you add an Azure account to Octopus, there are two ways to authenticate with Azure in Octopus. These represent the different interfaces in Azure, and the interface you need will dictate which authentication method you use.

  • Service Principal (default) is used with resource manager mode (ARM), along with the az command line interface.
  • Management certificate is used with service management mode (ASM) or legacy mode.

You can read about the differences in this document.

Microsoft Entra ID Service Principal accounts are for use with the Azure Resource Management (ARM) API only. Configuring your Octopus Server to authenticate with the service principal you create in Microsoft Entra ID will let you configure finely grained authorization for your Octopus Server.

Management Certificates are used to authenticate with Service Management APIs, those are being deprecated by Microsoft. See our blog post for more details. Instructions remain only for legacy purposes. Please migrate to service principals as soon as possible.

Creating an Microsoft Entra ID Service Principal account

Before creating an Octopus Microsoft Entra ID Service Principal account, you will need an Microsoft Entra ID App Registration. If you do not currently have an Microsoft Entra ID App Registration follow the App Registration guide, or create it with a script.

After creating the App Registration, make a note of the following:

  • Subscription ID
  • Tenant ID
  • Application ID

There are two supported types of credentials to allow your Octopus instance to authenticate with an Microsoft Entra ID Service Principal: Client Secrets and Federated Credentials.

Create a client secret credential for an Microsoft Entra ID Service Principal

To manually create a client secret follow the Add a client secret section in the Microsoft Entra ID documentation, or create it with a script.

Following this process you will be given the client secret, make a note of this as you cannot retrieve it afterward.

Next, you need to configure your resource permissions.

Create a federated credential for a Microsoft Entra ID Service Principal

Support for OpenID Connect authentication to Microsoft Entra ID requires Octopus Server version 2023.4

To use OpenID Connect to authenticate with Microsoft Entra ID, you will need to create a federated credential for the Microsoft Entra ID Service Principal

Octopus Server configuration

To use OpenID Connect authentication you have to follow the required minimum configuration.

Microsoft Entra ID Service Principal configuration

To manually create a Federated Credential follow the Add a federated credential section in the Microsoft Entra ID documentation, or create it with a script.

The federated credential will need the Issuer value set to the publicly accessible Octopus Server URI configured in the previous step, this value must also not have a trailing slash (/), for example

Please read OpenID Connect Subject Identifier on how to customize the Subject value.

The Audience value can be left at the default, or set to a custom value if needed.

Azure Tool support for OpenID Connect

To support OpenID Connect authentication, you will need to ensure it is supported in the versions of the tooling:

  • az CLI requires 2.30+
  • az PowerShell modules requires 7.0+
  • AzureRM terraform provider required 3.22+

Resource permissions

The final step is to ensure your registered app has permission to work with your Azure resources.

  1. In the Azure Portal navigate to Resource groups and select the resource group(s) that you want the registered app to access.
  2. Next, select the Access Control (IAM) option and if your app isn’t listed, click Add. Select the appropriate role (Contributor is a common option) and search for your new application name. Select it from the search results and then click Save.

Now, you can add the Service Principal Account in Octopus.

Note on roles: Your Service Principal will need to be assigned the Contributor role in order to deploy.

It will also need the Reader role on the subscription itself.

Note on least privilege

In the PowerShell and Permissions example above the service principal is assigned the Contributor role on the subscription. This isn’t always the best idea, you might want to apply a principle of least privilege to the access the service principal is granted. If that’s the case, there are a couple of things worth noting.

Firstly, you might want to constrain the service principal to a single resource group, in which case, you just need to assign it the Contributor role on the resource group.

Next, if you want to get even more granular you can constrain the service principal to a single resource, e.g. a Web App. In this case, you have to assign the Contributor role on the Web App and explicitly assign the Reader role on the subscription itself.

The reason behind this has to do with the way Octopus queries for the web app resources in Azure. In order to handle scenarios where ASEs are being used, Octopus first queries the resource groups and then queries for the web apps within each resource group. When the service principal is assigned Contributor on a resource group it seems to implicitly get Reader on the subscription, but this doesn’t seem to be the case when Contributor is assigned directly to a web app, so you have to assign Reader explicitly.

Create a Microsoft Entra ID App Registration via script

This step shows you how to script the creation of an Microsoft Entra ID App Registration

During the script, you will be prompted to authenticate with Microsoft Azure. The authenticated user must have administrator permissions in the directory in which the Service Principal is being created.

# this script will create a new Microsoft Entra ID App Registration

subscription='' # Replace with the name or id of your subscription
appName='' # Replace with your app registration name

az login
az account set --subscription $subscription
az ad app create --display-name "$appName" -o table --query "{Id:id,Name:displayName,ClientId:appId}"
az account show  --query "{Name:name,SubscriptionId:id,TenantId:tenantId}" -o table
Az PowerShell
# this script will create a new Microsoft Entra ID App Registration

$AzureTenantId = "2a681dca-3230-4e01-abcb-b1fd225c0982" # Replace with your Tenant Id
$AzureSubscriptionName = "YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NAME" # Replace with your subscription name
$AzureApplicationName = "YOUR APPLICATION NAME" # Replace with your application name

if (Get-Module -Name Az -ListAvailable)
    Write-Host "Azure Az Module found."
    Write-Host "Azure Az Modules not found.  Installing the Azure Az PowerShell Modules.  You might be prompted that PSGallery is untrusted.  If you select Yes your screen might freeze for a second while the modules download process is started."
    Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser

Write-Host "Loading the Azure Az Module.  This may cause the screen to freeze while loading the module."
Import-Module -Name Az

Write-Host "Logging into Azure"
Connect-AzAccount -Tenant $AzureTenantId -Subscription $AzureSubscriptionName

$azureSubscription = Get-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName $AzureSubscriptionName
$ExistingApplication = Get-AzADApplication -DisplayName "$AzureApplicationName"

if ($null -eq $ExistingApplication)
    Write-Host "The Microsoft Entra ID Application does not exist, creating Microsoft Entra ID application"
    $azureAdApplication = New-AzADApplication -DisplayName "$AzureApplicationName"
    Write-Host "Microsoft Entra ID App Registration successfully created"
    $AzureApplication = $azureAdApplication
    Write-Host "The Microsoft Entra ID service principal $AzureApplicationName already exists"        
    $AzureApplication = $ExistingApplication

Write-Host "Important information to know when registering this subscription with Octopus Deploy:"
Write-Host "    1) The Microsoft Entra ID Tenant Id is: $AzureTenantId"
Write-Host "    2) The Microsoft Azure Subscription Id: $($azureSubscription.SubscriptionId)"  
Write-Host "    3) The Microsoft Entra ID Application Id: $(AzureApplication.AppId)"

Create a Service Principal Client Secret with PowerShell

This step shows you how to create a Service Principal Client Secret with the script below.

During the script, you will be prompted to authenticate with Microsoft Azure. The authenticated user must have administrator permissions in the directory in which the Service Principal is being created.

# This script will create a new client secret for you to use in Octopus Deploy using the Az CLI. 
subscription='' # Replace with the name or id of your subscription
appId='' # Replace id of your application registration

az login
az account set --subscription $subscription
az ad app credential reset --append --id $appId --years $expiryYears
Az PowerShell
# This script will create a new client secret for you to use in Octopus Deploy using the Az PowerShell modules.  This will work with both PowerShell and PowerShell Core.

$AzureTenantId = "2a681dca-3230-4e01-abcb-b1fd225c0982" # Replace with your Tenant Id
$AzureSubscriptionName = "YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NAME" # Replace with your subscription name
$AzureApplicationName = "YOUR APPLICATION NAME" # Replace with your application name
$AzurePasswordEndDays = "365" # Update to change the expiration date of the password

if (Get-Module -Name Az -ListAvailable)
    Write-Host "Azure Az Module found."
    Write-Host "Azure Az Modules not found.  Installing the Azure Az PowerShell Modules.  You might be prompted that PSGallery is untrusted.  If you select Yes your screen might freeze for a second while the modules download process is started."
    Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser

Write-Host "Loading the Azure Az Module.  This may cause the screen to freeze while loading the module."
Import-Module -Name Az

Write-Host "Logging into Microsoft Entra ID"
Connect-AzAccount -Tenant $AzureTenantId -Subscription $AzureSubscriptionName

$endDate = (Get-Date).AddDays($AzurePasswordEndDays)

$azureSubscription = Get-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName $AzureSubscriptionName
$ExistingApplication = Get-AzADApplication -DisplayName "$AzureApplicationName"

if ($null -eq $ExistingApplication) {
    Write-host "Unable to find application with name '$AzureApplicationName'"
} else {
    Write-Host "The Microsoft Entra ID service principal $AzureApplicationName already exists, creating a new password for Octopus Deploy to use."        
    $credential = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Resources.MSGraph.Models.ApiV10.MicrosoftGraphPasswordCredential
    $credential.EndDateTime = $endDate 
    $credential.DisplayName = "$AzureApplicationName"
    $newCredential = New-AzADAppCredential -PasswordCredentials @($credential) -ApplicationId $ExistingApplication.AppId 
    Write-Host "Microsoft Entra ID Service Principal successfully password successfully created."

    Write-Host "Important information to know when registering this subscription with Octopus Deploy:"
    Write-Host "    1) The Microsoft Entra ID Tenant Id is: $AzureTenantId"
    Write-Host "    2) The Microsoft Azure Subscription Id: $($azureSubscription.SubscriptionId)"  
    Write-Host "    3) The Microsoft Entra ID Application Id: $($ExistingApplication.AppId)"
    Write-Host "    4) The new password is: $($newCredential.SecretText) - this is the only time you'll see this password, please store it in a safe location."
  • Subscription ID: The ID of the Azure subscription the account will interact with.
  • Password: A secret value created by you. Make sure you record it, as you will need to enter it into Octopus Deploy.
  • Tenant ID: The ID of the Microsoft Entra ID tenant. You can find this in the Azure Portal by navigating to Microsoft Entra ID âžœ Properties in the Tenant ID field.

The Service Principal will default to expiring in 1 year from the time of creation.

You can specify the expiry date by adding the -EndDate parameter to the New-AzureRmADApplication command:

-EndDate (new-object System.DateTime 2018, 12, 31)

Now, you can add the Service Principal Account in Octopus. Consider reading our note on least privilege first.

Create a Service Principal Client Secret with PowerShell

This step shows you how to create a Service Principal Client Secret with the script below.

During the script, you will be prompted to authenticate with Microsoft Azure. The authenticated user must have administrator permissions in the directory in which the Service Principal is being created.

# This script will create a new federated credential for you to use in Octopus Deploy using the Az CLI. 
subscription='' # Replace with the name or id of your subscription
appId='' # Replace id of your application registration

    "name": "Testing",
    "issuer": "",
    "subject": "space:default:project:something",
    "description": "Testing",
    "audiences": [

az login
az account set --subscription "$subscription"
az ad app federated-credential create --id $appId --parameters "$credential"
Az PowerShell
# This script will create a new client secret for you to use in Octopus Deploy using the Az PowerShell modules.  This will work with both PowerShell and PowerShell Core.

$AzureTenantId = "2a681dca-3230-4e01-abcb-b1fd225c0982" # Replace with your Tenant Id
$AzureSubscriptionName = "YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NAME" # Replace with your subscription name
$AzureApplicationName = "YOUR APPLICATION NAME" # Replace with your application name
$AzurePasswordEndDays = "365" # Update to change the expiration date of the password

if (Get-Module -Name Az -ListAvailable)
    Write-Host "Azure Az Module found."
    Write-Host "Azure Az Modules not found.  Installing the Azure Az PowerShell Modules.  You might be prompted that PSGallery is untrusted.  If you select Yes your screen might freeze for a second while the modules download process is started."
    Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser

Write-Host "Loading the Azure Az Module.  This may cause the screen to freeze while loading the module."
Import-Module -Name Az

Write-Host "Logging into Azure"
Connect-AzAccount -Tenant $AzureTenantId -Subscription $AzureSubscriptionName

$endDate = (Get-Date).AddDays($AzurePasswordEndDays)

$azureSubscription = Get-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName $AzureSubscriptionName
$ExistingApplication = Get-AzADApplication -DisplayName "$AzureApplicationName"

if ($null -eq $ExistingApplication) {
    Write-host "Unable to find application with name '$AzureApplicationName'"
} else {
    Write-Host "The Microsoft Entra ID service principal $AzureApplicationName already exists, creating a new password for Octopus Deploy to use."        
    $credential = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Resources.MSGraph.Models.ApiV10.MicrosoftGraphPasswordCredential
    $credential.EndDateTime = $endDate 
    $credential.DisplayName = "$AzureApplicationName"
    $newCredential = New-AzADAppCredential -PasswordCredentials @($credential) -ApplicationId $ExistingApplication.AppId 
    Write-Host "Microsoft Entra ID Service Principal successfully password successfully created."

    Write-Host "Important information to know when registering this subscription with Octopus Deploy:"
    Write-Host "    1) The Microsoft Entra ID Tenant Id is: $AzureTenantId"
    Write-Host "    2) The Microsoft Azure Subscription Id: $($azureSubscription.SubscriptionId)"  
    Write-Host "    3) The Microsoft Entra ID Application Id: $($ExistingApplication.AppId)"
    Write-Host "    4) The new password is: $($newCredential.SecretText) - this is the only time you'll see this password, please store it in a safe location."
  • Subscription ID: The ID of the Microsoft Azure subscription the account will interact with.
  • Password: A secret value created by you. Make sure you record it, as you will need to enter it into Octopus Deploy.
  • Tenant ID: The ID of the Active Directory tenant. You can find this in the Azure Portal by navigating to Microsoft Entra ID âžœ Properties in the Tenant ID field.

The Service Principal will default to expiring in 1 year from the time of creation.

You can specify the expiry date by adding the -EndDate parameter to the New-AzureRmADApplication command:

-EndDate (new-object System.DateTime 2018, 12, 31)

Now, you can add the Service Principal Account in Octopus. Consider reading our note on least privilege first.

Add the Service Principal account in Octopus

Now that you have the following values, you can add your account to Octopus:

  • Subscription ID
  • Application ID
  • Tenant ID
  • Application Password/Key
  1. Navigate to Infrastructure ➜ Account.
  2. Select ADD ACCOUNT ➜ Azure Subscriptions.
  3. Give the account the name you want it to be known by in Octopus.
  4. Give the account a description.
  5. Add your Azure Subscription ID. This is found in the Azure portal under Subscriptions.
  6. Add the Application ID, the Tenant ID, and the Application Password/Keyword.

Click SAVE AND TEST to confirm the account can interact with Azure. Octopus will then attempt to use the account credentials to access the Azure Resource Management (ARM) API and list the Resource Groups in that subscription. You may need to include the appropriate IP Addresses for the Azure Data Center you are targeting in any firewall allow list. See deploying to Azure via a Firewall for more details.

A newly created Service Principal may take several minutes before the credential test passes. If you have double-checked your credential values, wait 15 minutes and try again.

Creating an Azure Management Certificate account

Azure Management Certificate Accounts work with the Azure Service Management API only, which is used when Octopus deploys Cloud Services and Azure Web Apps.

The Azure Service Management APIs are being deprecated by Microsoft. See this blog post. The instructions below only exist for legacy purposes.

To create an Azure Management Certificate account as part of adding an Azure subscription, select Management Certificate as the Authentication Method.

Step 1: Management Certificate

When using Management Certificate, Octopus authenticates with Azure using an X.509 certificate. You can either upload an existing certificate (.pfx), or leave the field blank and Octopus will generate a certificate. Keep in mind that since Octopus securely stores the certificate internally, there is no need to upload a password protected .pfx file. If you would like to use one that is password protected, you will need to first remove the password. This can be done with the following commands.

Remove .pfx password

openssl pkcs12 -in AzureCert.pfx -password pass:MySecret -nodes -out temp.pem
openssl pkcs12 -export -in temp.pem -passout pass: -out PasswordFreeAzureCert.pfx
del temp.pem

If Octopus generates your certificate, you need to upload the certificate to the Azure Management Portal. After clicking Save, the Account settings page provides instructions for downloading the certificate public-key from Octopus and uploading it into the Azure Management Portal.

Uploaded certificates can be viewed on the ‘Management Certificates’ tab of the ‘Settings’ page in the Azure Portal.

The certificate will be named Octopus Deploy -“{Your Account Name}.

Step 2: Save and Test

Click Save and Test, and Octopus will attempt to use the account credentials to access the Azure Service Management (ASM) API and list the Hosted Services in that subscription. You may need to include the appropriate IP Addresses for the Azure Data Center you are targeting in any firewall allow list. See deploying to Azure via a Firewall for more details.

You can now configure Octopus to deploy to Azure via the Azure Service Management (ASM) API.

Azure account variables

You can access your Azure account from within projects through a variable of type Azure Account. Learn more about Azure Account Variables and Azure Deployments.

Automate Azure Service Principal creation and Octopus Deploy account registration

The above scripts / steps can result in a lot of clicking back and forth. Below is a script that will do the following:

  1. Create an Azure Service Principal
  2. Assign that Service Principal the role of contributor to the desired subscription.
  3. Register that Service Principal and subscription in Octopus Deploy.

While parameters are present, they are not required. You will be prompted for each parameter while the script runs. This script is designed to run multiple times.

# None of these parameters are required to start the script, you will be prompted at each stage to enter any values missing.

param (

$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

function Write-OctopusSuccess

    Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor Green

function Write-OctopusWarning

    Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor Red

function Write-OctopusVerbose

    Write-Host $message -ForegroundColor White

function Get-ParameterValue

    if ($null -ne $originalParameterValue -and [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($originalParameterValue) -eq $false)
        return $originalParameterValue

    return Read-Host -Prompt "Please enter a value for $parameterName"

function Get-ParameterValueWithDefault

    $returnValue = Get-ParameterValue -originalParameterValue $originalParameterValue -parameterName $parameterName

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($returnValue) -eq $true)
        return $defaultValue

    return $returnValue

function Invoke-OctopusApi

    $url = "$OctopusUrl/api/$spaceId/$EndPoint"
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SpaceId))
        $url = "$OctopusUrl/api/$EndPoint"
    if ($null -eq $EndPoint -and $null -eq $SpaceId)
        $url = "$OctopusUrl/api"

    if ($null -eq $item)
        Write-OctopusVerbose "Invoking GET $url" 
        return Invoke-RestMethod -Method $method -Uri $url -Headers @{"X-Octopus-ApiKey" = "$ApiKey" } -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8'

    $body = $item | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10        

    Write-OctopusVerbose "Invoking $method $url"
    return Invoke-RestMethod -Method $method -Uri $url -Headers @{"X-Octopus-ApiKey" = "$ApiKey" } -Body $body -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8'

function Get-OctopusItemByName
    param (

    return ($ItemList | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $ItemName})

function Import-AzurePowerShellModules
    if (Get-Module -Name Az -ListAvailable)
        Write-OctopusVerbose "Azure Az Module found."
        Write-OctopusVerbose "Azure Az Modules not found.  Installing the Azure Az PowerShell Modules.  You might be prompted that PSGallery is untrusted.  If you select Yes your screen might freeze for a second while the modules download process is started."
        Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser

    Write-OctopusVerbose "Loading the Azure Az Module.  This may cause the screen to freeze while loading the module."
    Import-Module -Name Az

function Get-OctopusSpaceInformation
    param (

    Write-OctopusVerbose "Testing the API credentials of the credentials supplied by pulling the space information"
    $spaceResults = Invoke-OctopusApi -EndPoint "spaces?skip=0&take=100000" -SpaceId $null -OctopusURL $OctopusURL -apiKey $OctopusApiKey -method "Get" -item $null
    $spaceInfo = Get-OctopusItemByName -ItemList $spaceResults.Items -ItemName $OctopusSpaceName

    if ($null -ne $spaceInfo -and $null -ne $spaceInfo.Id)
        Write-OctopusSuccess "Successfully connected to the Octopus Deploy instance provided.  The space id for $OctopusSpaceName is $($spaceInfo.Id)"
        return $spaceInfo
        Write-OctopusWarning "Unable to connect to $OctopusUrl.  Please check your credentials and try again."
        exit 1

function Test-ExistingOctopusAccountWorksWithAzure
    param (

    Write-OctopusVerbose "The account already exists in Octopus Deploy.  Running a test to ensure it can connect to Azure."
    $testAccountTaskBody = @{
        "Name" = "TestAccount"
        "Description" = "Test Azure account"
        "SpaceId" = $spaceInfo.Id
        "Arguments" = @{
            "AccountId" = $existingAccount.Id

    $checkConnectivityTask = Invoke-OctopusApi -EndPoint "tasks" -SpaceId $null -OctopusURL $OctopusURL -apiKey $OctopusApiKey -method "POST" -item $testAccountTaskBody
    $taskStatusEndPoint = "tasks/$($checkConnectivityTask.Id)"

    $taskState = $checkConnectivityTask.State
    $taskDone = $taskState -eq "Success" -or $taskState -eq "Canceled" -or $taskState -eq "Failed"    

    While ($taskDone -eq $false)
        Write-OctopusVerbose "Checking on the status of the task in 3 seconds"
        Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
        $taskStatus = Invoke-OctopusApi -EndPoint $taskStatusEndPoint -SpaceId $null -OctopusURL $OctopusURL -apiKey $OctopusApiKey -method "GET"        
        $taskState = $taskStatus.State

        Write-Host "The task status is $taskState"
        $taskDone = $taskState -eq "Success" -or $taskState -eq "Canceled" -or $taskState -eq "Failed"

        if ($taskState -eq "Success")
            Write-OctopusSuccess "The Octopus Account can successfully connect to Azure"
            return $true            

    return $false

function New-OctopusIdList
    param (

    Write-OctopusVerbose "Checking to see if Octopus Deploy instance has $itemName"
    $allItemsList = Invoke-OctopusApi -EndPoint "$($endPoint)?skip=0&take=100000" -method "Get" -SpaceId $spaceInfo.Id -OctopusURL $OctopusUrl -apiKey $OctopusApiKey
    $IdList = @()

    if ($allItemsList.Items.Count -le 0)
        return $IdList

    Write-OctopusVerbose "$itemName records found."
    $itemFilter = Get-ParameterValue  -originalParameterValue $itemParameter -parameterName "a comma-separated list of $itemName you'd like to associate the account to.  If left blank the account can be used for all $itemName."        
    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($itemFilter) -eq $true)
        return $IdList

    $itemList = $itemFilter -split ","
    foreach ($item in $itemList)
        $foundItem = Get-OctopusItemByName -ItemList $allItemsList.Items -ItemName $item

        if ($null -eq $foundItem)
            Write-OctopusWarning "The $itemName $item was not found in your Octopus Deploy instance."
            $continue = Read-Host -Prompt "Would you like to continue?  If yes, the account will not be tied to $itemName $item.  y/n"
            if ($continue.ToLower() -ne "y")
            $IdList += $foundItem.Id    

    return $IdList

Write-OctopusVerbose "This script will do the following:"
Write-OctopusVerbose "    1) In Azure: create an Azure Service Principal and associate it with your desired subscription as a contributor.  The password generated is two GUIDs without dashes."
Write-OctopusVerbose "    2) In Octopus Deploy: create an Azure Account using the credentials created in step 1"

Write-OctopusVerbose "For this to work you will need to have the following installed.  If it is not installed, then this script will it install it for you from the PowerShell Gallery."
Write-OctopusVerbose "    1)  Azure Az Powershell Modules"

$answer = Read-Host -Prompt "Do you wish to continue? y/n"
if ($answer.ToLower() -ne "y")
    Write-OctopusWarning "You have chosen not to continue.  Stopping script"


$OctopusURL = Get-ParameterValue -originalParameterValue $OctopusURL -parameterName "the URL of your Octopus Deploy Instance, example:"
$OctopusApiKey = Get-ParameterValue -originalParameterValue $OctopusApiKey -parameterName "the API Key of your Octopus Deploy User.  See for a guide on how to create one"
$OctopusSpaceName = Get-ParameterValueWithDefault -originalParameterValue $OctopusSpaceName -parameterName "the name of the space in Octopus Deploy.  If left empty it will default to 'Default'" -defaultValue "Default"
$OctopusAccountName = Get-ParameterValueWithDefault -originalParameterValue $OctopusAccountName -parameterName "the name of the account you wish to create in Octopus Deploy.  If left empty it will default to 'Bootstrap Azure Account'" -defaultValue "Bootstrap Azure Account"

$spaceInfo = Get-OctopusSpaceInformation -OctopusApiKey $OctopusApiKey -OctopusUrl $OctopusURL -OctopusSpaceName $OctopusSpaceName

Write-OctopusVerbose "Getting the list of accounts on that space in Octopus Deploy to see if it exists"
$existingOctopusAccounts = Invoke-OctopusApi -EndPoint "accounts?skip=0&take=1000000" -method "GET" -SpaceId $spaceInfo.Id -apiKey $OctopusApiKey -OctopusURL $OctopusURL
$existingAccount = Get-OctopusItemByName -ItemList $existingOctopusAccounts.Items -ItemName $OctopusAccountName
$OctopusAndAzureServicePrincipalAlreadyExist = $false
$OctopusEnvironmentIdList = @()
$OctopusTenantIdList = @()

if ($null -ne $existingAccount)
    $OctopusAndAzureServicePrincipalAlreadyExist = Test-ExistingOctopusAccountWorksWithAzure -OctopusApiKey $OctopusApiKey -OctopusUrl $OctopusURL -SpaceInfo $spaceInfo -ExistingAccount $existingAccount
    Write-OctopusWarning "The account $OctopusAccountName does not exist.  After creating the Azure Account it will create a new account in Octopus Deploy"
    Write-OctopusVerbose "Octopus accounts can be locked down to specific environments, tenants and tenant tags"
    $OctopusEnvironmentIdList = New-OctopusIdList -OctopusUrl $OctopusURL -OctopusApiKey $OctopusApiKey -spaceInfo $spaceInfo -endPoint "environments" -itemName "environments" -itemParameter $OctopusEnvironmentList
    $OctopusTenantIdList = New-OctopusIdList -OctopusUrl $OctopusURL -OctopusApiKey $OctopusApiKey -spaceInfo $spaceInfo -endPoint "tenants" -itemName "tenants" -itemParameter $OctopusTenantList

if ($OctopusAndAzureServicePrincipalAlreadyExist -eq $true)
    $overwriteExisting = Read-Host -Prompt "Octopus Deploy already has a working connection with Azure.  Do you wish to continue?  This will create a new password for the service principal account in Azure and update the account in Octopus Deploy.  y/n"
    If ($overwriteExisting.ToLower() -ne "y")
        Write-OctopusSuccess "Octopus Deploy already has a working connection and you elected to leave it as as is, stopping script."

$AzureTenantId = Get-ParameterValue -originalParameterValue $AzureTenantId -parameterName "the ID (GUID) of the Azure tenant you wish to connect to.  See on how to get that id"
$AzureSubscriptionName = Get-ParameterValue -originalParameterValue $AzureSubscriptionName -parameterName "the name of the subscription you wish to connect Octopus Deploy to"
$AzureServicePrincipalName = Get-ParameterValue -originalParameterValue $AzureServicePrincipalName -parameterName "the name of the service principal you wish to create in Azure"

Write-OctopusVerbose "Logging into Azure"
Connect-AzAccount -Tenant $AzureTenantId -Subscription $AzureSubscriptionName

Write-OctopusVerbose "Auto-generating new password"
$AzureServicePrincipalPasswordEndDays = Get-ParameterValue -originalParameterValue $AzureServicePrincipalPasswordEndDays -parameterName "the number of days you want the service principal password to be active"
$password = "$(New-Guid)$(New-Guid)" -replace "-", ""
$securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force

$endDate = (Get-Date).AddDays($AzureServicePrincipalPasswordEndDays)

$azureSubscription = Get-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName $AzureSubscriptionName
$azureSubscription | Format-Table

$ExistingApplication = Get-AzADApplication -DisplayName "$AzureServicePrincipalName"
$ExistingApplication | Format-Table

if ($null -eq $ExistingApplication)
    Write-OctopusVerbose "The Microsoft Entra ID Application does not exist, creating Microsoft Entra ID application"
    $azureAdApplication = New-AzADApplication -DisplayName "$AzureServicePrincipalName" -HomePage "" -IdentifierUris "$($AzureServicePrincipalName)" -Password $securePassword -EndDate $endDate
    $azureAdApplication | Format-Table

    Write-OctopusVerbose "Creating Microsoft Entra ID service principal"
    $servicePrincipal = New-AzADServicePrincipal -ApplicationId $azureAdApplication.ApplicationId
    $servicePrincipal | Format-Table

    Write-OctopusSuccess "Azure Service Principal successfully created"
    $AzureApplicationId = $azureAdApplication.ApplicationId
    Write-OctopusVerbose "The Microsoft Entra ID service principal $AzureServicePrincipalName already exists, creating a new password for Octopus Deploy to use."        
    New-AzADAppCredential -DisplayName "$AzureServicePrincipalName" -Password $securePassword -EndDate $endDate     
    Write-OctopusSuccess "Microsoft Entra ID Service Principal successfully password successfully created."
    $AzureApplicationId = $ExistingApplication.ApplicationId

if ($null -eq $existingAccount)
    Write-OctopusVerbose "Now creating the account in Octopus Deploy."
    $tenantParticipation = "Untenanted"

    if ($OctopusTenantIdList.Count -gt 0)
        $tenantParticipation = "TenantedOrUntenanted"

    $jsonPayload = @{
        AccountType = "AzureServicePrincipal"
        AzureEnvironment = ""
        SubscriptionNumber = $azureSubscription.Id
        Password = @{
            HasValue = $true
            NewValue = $password
        TenantId = $AzureTenantId
        ClientId = $AzureApplicationId
        ActiveDirectoryEndpointBaseUri = ""
        ResourceManagementEndpointBaseUri = ""
        Name = $OctopusAccountName
        Description = "Account created by the bootstrap script"
        TenantedDeploymentParticipation = $tenantParticipation
        TenantTags = @()
        TenantIds = @($OctopusTenantIdList)
        EnvironmentIds = @($OctopusEnvironmentIdList)

    Write-OctopusVerbose "Adding Microsoft Entra ID Service Principal that was just created to Octopus Deploy"    
    Invoke-OctopusApi -EndPoint "accounts" -item $jsonPayload -method "POST" -SpaceId $spaceInfo.Id -apiKey $OctopusApiKey -OctopusURL $OctopusURL

    Write-OctopusSuccess "Successfully added the Microsoft Entra ID Service Principal account to Octopus Deploy"
    $existingAccount.Password.HasValue = $true    
    $existingAccount.Password.NewValue = $password

    Write-OctopusVerbose "Updating the existing account in Octopus Deploy to use the new service principal credentials"
    Invoke-OctopusApi -EndPoint "accounts/$($existingAccount.Id)" -item $existingAccount -method "PUT" -SpaceId $spaceInfo.Id -apiKey $OctopusApiKey -OctopusURL $OctopusUrl
    Write-OctopusSuccess "Successfully updated Azure Service Principal account in Octopus Deploy"

Write-OctopusSuccess "Important information to know for future usage:"
Write-OctopusVerbose "    1) The Microsoft Entra ID Tenant Id is: $AzureTenantId"
Write-OctopusVerbose "    2) The Microsoft Azure Subscription Id: $($azureSubscription.SubscriptionId)"  
Write-OctopusVerbose "    3) The Microsoft Entra ID Application Id: $AzureApplicationId"
Write-OctopusVerbose "    4) The new password is: $password - this is the only time you'll see this password, please store it in a safe location."

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Page updated on Sunday, January 1, 2023