ProGet NuGet repository

ProGet from Inedo is an package repository technology which contains a number of different feed types. This guide provides instructions on how to create a NuGet feed in ProGet and connect it to Octopus Deploy as an External Feed.

Configuring a ProGet NuGet feed

From the ProGet web portal, click on Feeds ➜ Create New Feed

Create New Feed

Select the NuGet (.NET) Packages option from the Developer Libraries category

NuGet Feed

Select No Connectors (private container packages only) from the wizard

No Connectors

Enter a name for your Feed, eg: ProGet-NuGet, then click Create Feed

Feed Name

The next screen allows you to set optional features for your feed, configure these features or click Close. Once the feed has been created, ProGet will display the API endpoint URL to push packages. In this example it’s

API endpoint URL

Adding a ProGet NuGet as an Octopus External Feed

Create a new Octopus Feed by navigating to Library ➜ External Feeds and select the NuGet Feed Feed type.

Give the feed a name and in the URL field, enter the HTTP/HTTPS URL of the ProGet server:


ProGet NuGet Feed

Optionally add Credentials if they are required.

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Page updated on Wednesday, October 9, 2024