GitLab Maven repository

GitLab creates a Maven Registry for each Project or Group. To add the Maven Registry to Octopus Deploy as an external feed, you will first need to get the Project or Group Id

Project Id

GitLab Project Id

Group Id

GitLab Group Id

Adding a GitLab Maven repository as an Octopus External Feed

Create a new Octopus Feed by navigating to Library ➜ External Feeds and select the Maven Feed Feed type.

Give the feed a name and in the URL field, enter the HTTP/HTTPS URL of the feed for your GitLab Project or Group in the format:


https://your.gitlab.url/api/v4/projects/[project id]/packages/packages/maven


https://your.gitlab.url/api/v4/groups/[group id]/-/packages/maven

Replace the URL from the examples above.

GitLab NuGet Feed

Optionally add Credentials if they are required.

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Page updated on Sunday, January 1, 2023