Use the create-instance command to register a new instance of the Octopus service.
Create instance options
Usage: octopus.server create-instance [<options>]
Where [<options>] is any of:
--instance=VALUE Name of the instance to create. If not supplied,
creates an instance called OctopusServer.
--config=VALUE Path to configuration file to create
--home=VALUE [Optional] Path to the home directory - defaults
to the same directory as the config file
--serverNodeName=VALUE [Optional] Unique Server Node name for a
clustered environment - defaults to the machine
Or one of the common options:
--help Show detailed help for this command
Basic example
This example creates a new Octopus Server instance on the machine named MyNewInstance
and sets the home directory:
octopus.server create-instance --instance="MyNewInstance" --config="c:\MyNewInstance\MyNewInstance.config" --home="c:\MyNewInstance\Home"
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Page updated on Sunday, January 1, 2023