This script demonstrates how to programmatically determine which deployments and runbook runs can be resubmitted because they were canceled because of a node shutdown. The node could have been shutdown for normal reasons, or it could have stopped responding, or it could have been turned off.
Provide values for:
- Octopus URL
- Octopus API Key
- The age in minutes you wish to filter on
- The comma separated list of nodes names that were shutdown
- What if is true or false
This script has guardrails in place to ensure you don’t make too many changes.
- A what if variable. Set that to
and it will skip the submission step. It will print out all the deployments and runbook runs it would’ve done. - This script will not resubmit every canceled runbook run or deployment. For a runbook run or deployment to be considered it must:
- Have been canceled within the time frame provided.
- Have been running on the node or nodes that were provided.
- Have been canceled because of a node shutdown.
PowerShell (REST API)
$octopusUrl = "https://your-octopus-url"
$octopusApiKey = "API-YOUR-KEY"
$maxAgeInMinutes = 240
$serverNodes = "HANode03,HANode04"
$whatIf = $true
$cachedResults = @{}
$changeReport = @()
function Write-OctopusVerbose
Write-Host $message
function Write-OctopusInformation
Write-Host $message
function Write-OctopusSuccess
Write-Host $message
function Write-OctopusWarning
Write-Warning "$message"
function Write-OctopusCritical
param ($message)
Write-Error "$message"
function Invoke-OctopusApi
$octopusUrlToUse = $OctopusUrl
if ($OctopusUrl.EndsWith("/"))
$octopusUrlToUse = $OctopusUrl.Substring(0, $OctopusUrl.Length - 1)
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SpaceId))
$url = "$octopusUrlToUse/api/$EndPoint"
$url = "$octopusUrlToUse/api/$spaceId/$EndPoint"
if ($null -ne $item)
$body = $item | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
Write-OctopusVerbose $body
Write-OctopusInformation "Invoking $method $url"
return Invoke-RestMethod -Method $method -Uri $url -Headers @{"X-Octopus-ApiKey" = "$ApiKey" } -Body $body -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
if (($null -eq $ignoreCache -or $ignoreCache -eq $false) -and $method.ToUpper().Trim() -eq "GET")
Write-OctopusVerbose "Checking to see if $url is already in the cache"
if ($cachedResults.ContainsKey($url) -eq $true)
Write-OctopusVerbose "$url is already in the cache, returning the result"
return $cachedResults[$url]
Write-OctopusVerbose "Ignoring cache."
Write-OctopusVerbose "No data to post or put, calling bog standard Invoke-RestMethod for $url"
$result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $method -Uri $url -Headers @{"X-Octopus-ApiKey" = "$ApiKey" } -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
if ($cachedResults.ContainsKey($url) -eq $true)
Write-OctopusVerbose "Adding $url to the cache"
$cachedResults.add($url, $result)
return $result
if ($null -ne $_.Exception.Response)
if ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq 401)
Write-OctopusCritical "Unauthorized error returned from $url, please verify API key and try again"
elseif ($_.Exception.Response.statusCode -eq 403)
Write-OctopusCritical "Forbidden error returned from $url, please verify API key and try again"
Write-OctopusVerbose -Message "Error calling $url $($_.Exception.Message) StatusCode: $($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode )"
Write-OctopusVerbose $_.Exception
Throw "There was an error calling the Octopus API please check the log for more details"
function Get-OctopusItemList
if ($null -ne $spaceId)
Write-OctopusVerbose "Pulling back all the $itemType in $spaceId"
Write-OctopusVerbose "Pulling back all the $itemType in the instance"
if ($null -eq $itemLimit)
$itemLimit = 10000
if ($endPoint -match "\?+")
$endpointWithParams = "$($endPoint)&skip=0&take=$itemLimit"
$endpointWithParams = "$($endPoint)?skip=0&take=$itemLimit"
$itemList = Invoke-OctopusApi -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -endPoint $endpointWithParams -spaceId $spaceId -apiKey $octopusApiKey -method "GET"
if ($itemList -is [array])
Write-OctopusVerbose "Found $($itemList.Length) $itemType."
return $itemList
Write-OctopusVerbose "Found $($itemList.Items.Length) $itemType."
return $itemList.Items
function Get-RunbookRunDetailsFromTask
param (
return Invoke-OctopusApi -endPoint "runbookRuns/$($runbookTask.Arguments.RunbookRunId)" -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -spaceId $runbookTask.SpaceId -apiKey $octopusApiKey -method "GET"
function Get-DeploymentDetailsFromTask
param (
return Invoke-OctopusApi -endPoint "deployments/$($deploymentTask.Arguments.DeploymentId)" -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -spaceId $deploymentTask.SpaceId -apiKey $octopusApiKey -method "GET"
$currentTime = $(Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()
$serverNodeSplit = $serverNodes -split ","
$spaceList = Get-OctopusItemList -itemType "Spaces" -endpoint "spaces" -spaceId $null -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -itemLimit 10000 -octopusApiKey $octopusApiKey
foreach ($space in $spaceList)
$canceledTasks = Get-OctopusItemList -itemType "Cancelled Tasks" -endpoint "tasks?states=Canceled&spaces=$($space.Id)&includeSystem=False" -spaceId $space.Id -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -itemLimit 200 -octopusApiKey $octopusApiKey
foreach ($task in $canceledTasks)
if ($task.Name -ne "Deploy" -and $task.Name -ne "RunbookRun")
Write-Host "The task type is $($task.Name) which is not one we are concerned with, moving on"
if ($task.ErrorMessage -notlike "*process that was executing the task was terminated unexpectedly*" -and $task.ErrorMessage -notlike "*process that was executing the task was shutdown*")
Write-Host "This task was not shutdown because of a failover event, moving on"
$matchingNode = $serverNodeSplit | Where-Object { $task.ServerNode.ToLower() -like "*" + $_.ToLower() + "*" }
if ($null -eq $matchingNode)
Write-Host "This task was not executed on a server node that we are looking for, moving on"
$compareTime = [DateTime]::Parse($task.QueueTime)
$compareTime = $compareTime.ToUniversalTime()
$differenceInMinutes = ($currentTime - $compareTime).TotalMinutes
Write-Host "The current task was queued $differenceInMinutes minutes ago"
if ($differenceInMinutes -gt $maxAgeInMinutes)
Write-Host "The current task is too old to be considered for a failover event, moving on"
Write-OctopusSuccess "The task is a deployment or runbook run that failed on a node that we are concerned with and isn't too old, retrying it."
if ($task.Name -eq "Deploy")
Write-OctopusInformation "Task $($task.Id) is a deployment, setting up a redeploy."
$deploymentInfo = Get-DeploymentDetailsFromTask -deploymentTask $task -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -octopusApiKey $octopusApiKey
$bodyRaw = @{
EnvironmentId = $deploymentInfo.EnvironmentId
ExcludedMachineIds = $deploymentInfo.ExcludedMachineIds
ForcePackageDownload = $deploymentInfo.ForcePackageDownload
ForcePackageRedeployment = $deploymentInfo.ForcePackageRedeployment
FormValues = $deploymentInfo.FormValues
QueueTime = $null
QueueTimeExpiry = $null
ReleaseId = $deploymentInfo.ReleaseId
SkipActions = $deploymentInfo.SkipActions
SpecificMachineIds = $deploymentInfo.SpecificMachineIds
TenantId = $deploymentInfo.TenantId
UseGuidedFailure = $deploymentInfo.UseGuidedFailure
$changeReport += "Resubmitted $($task.Description)"
if ($whatIf -eq $false)
$newDeployment = Invoke-OctopusApi -endPoint "deployments" -spaceId $task.SpaceId -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -apiKey $octopusApiKey -method "POST" -item $bodyRaw
Write-OctopusSuccess "$($task.Description) has been successfully resubmitted with the new id $($newDeployment.TaskId)"
if ($task.Name -eq "RunbookRun")
Write-OctopusInformation "Task $($task.Id) is a runbook run, configuring a re-run."
$runbookInfo = Get-RunbookRunDetailsFromTask -runbookTask $task -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -octopusApiKey $octopusApiKey
$bodyRaw = @{
EnvironmentId = $runbookInfo.EnvironmentId
ExcludedMachineIds = $runbookInfo.ExcludedMachineIds
ForcePackageDownload = $runbookInfo.ForcePackageDownload
ForcePackageRedeployment = $runbookInfo.ForcePackageRedeployment
FormValues = $runbookInfo.FormValues
QueueTime = $null
QueueTimeExpiry = $null
RunbookId = $runbookInfo.RunbookId
SkipActions = $runbookInfo.SkipActions
SpecificMachineIds = $runbookInfo.SpecificMachineIds
TenantId = $runbookInfo.TenantId
UseGuidedFailure = $runbookInfo.UseGuidedFailure
FrozenRunbookProcessId = $runbookInfo.FrozenRunbookProcessId
RunbookSnapshotId = $runbookInfo.RunbookSnapshotId
$changeReport += "Resubmitted $($task.Description)"
if ($whatIf -eq $false)
$newRunbookRun = Invoke-OctopusApi -endPoint "runbookRuns" -spaceId $task.SpaceId -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -apiKey $octopusApiKey -method "POST" -item $bodyRaw
Write-OctopusSuccess "$($task.Description) has been successfully resubmitted with the new id $($newRunbookRun.TaskId)"
Write-OctopusInformation "Change Report:"
foreach ($item in $changeReport)
Write-OctopusInformation " $item"
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Page updated on Sunday, January 1, 2023