Rerun all canceled deployments and runbook runs after node shutdown.

This script demonstrates how to programmatically determine which deployments and runbook runs can be resubmitted because they were canceled because of a node shutdown. The node could have been shutdown for normal reasons, or it could have stopped responding, or it could have been turned off.


Provide values for:

  • Octopus URL
  • Octopus API Key
  • The age in minutes you wish to filter on
  • The comma separated list of nodes names that were shutdown
  • What if is true or false

This script has guardrails in place to ensure you don’t make too many changes.

  • A what if variable. Set that to $true and it will skip the submission step. It will print out all the deployments and runbook runs it would’ve done.
  • This script will not resubmit every canceled runbook run or deployment. For a runbook run or deployment to be considered it must:
    • Have been canceled within the time frame provided.
    • Have been running on the node or nodes that were provided.
    • Have been canceled because of a node shutdown.


PowerShell (REST API)
$octopusUrl = "https://your-octopus-url"
$octopusApiKey = "API-YOUR-KEY"
$maxAgeInMinutes = 240
$serverNodes = "HANode03,HANode04"
$whatIf = $true

$cachedResults = @{}
$changeReport = @()

function Write-OctopusVerbose
    Write-Host $message  

function Write-OctopusInformation
    Write-Host $message  

function Write-OctopusSuccess

    Write-Host $message 

function Write-OctopusWarning

    Write-Warning "$message" 

function Write-OctopusCritical
    param ($message)

    Write-Error "$message" 

function Invoke-OctopusApi

    $octopusUrlToUse = $OctopusUrl
    if ($OctopusUrl.EndsWith("/"))
        $octopusUrlToUse = $OctopusUrl.Substring(0, $OctopusUrl.Length - 1)

    if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($SpaceId))
        $url = "$octopusUrlToUse/api/$EndPoint"
        $url = "$octopusUrlToUse/api/$spaceId/$EndPoint"    

        if ($null -ne $item)
            $body = $item | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
            Write-OctopusVerbose $body

            Write-OctopusInformation "Invoking $method $url"
            return Invoke-RestMethod -Method $method -Uri $url -Headers @{"X-Octopus-ApiKey" = "$ApiKey" } -Body $body -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8' 

        if (($null -eq $ignoreCache -or $ignoreCache -eq $false) -and $method.ToUpper().Trim() -eq "GET")
            Write-OctopusVerbose "Checking to see if $url is already in the cache"
            if ($cachedResults.ContainsKey($url) -eq $true)
                Write-OctopusVerbose "$url is already in the cache, returning the result"
                return $cachedResults[$url]
            Write-OctopusVerbose "Ignoring cache."    

        Write-OctopusVerbose "No data to post or put, calling bog standard Invoke-RestMethod for $url"
        $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method $method -Uri $url -Headers @{"X-Octopus-ApiKey" = "$ApiKey" } -ContentType 'application/json; charset=utf-8'

        if ($cachedResults.ContainsKey($url) -eq $true)
        Write-OctopusVerbose "Adding $url to the cache"
        $cachedResults.add($url, $result)

        return $result

        if ($null -ne $_.Exception.Response)
            if ($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode -eq 401)
                Write-OctopusCritical "Unauthorized error returned from $url, please verify API key and try again"
            elseif ($_.Exception.Response.statusCode -eq 403)
                Write-OctopusCritical "Forbidden error returned from $url, please verify API key and try again"
                Write-OctopusVerbose -Message "Error calling $url $($_.Exception.Message) StatusCode: $($_.Exception.Response.StatusCode )"
            Write-OctopusVerbose $_.Exception

    Throw "There was an error calling the Octopus API please check the log for more details"

function Get-OctopusItemList

    if ($null -ne $spaceId) 
        Write-OctopusVerbose "Pulling back all the $itemType in $spaceId"
        Write-OctopusVerbose "Pulling back all the $itemType in the instance"

    if ($null -eq $itemLimit)
        $itemLimit = 10000
    if ($endPoint -match "\?+")
        $endpointWithParams = "$($endPoint)&skip=0&take=$itemLimit"
        $endpointWithParams = "$($endPoint)?skip=0&take=$itemLimit"

    $itemList = Invoke-OctopusApi -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -endPoint $endpointWithParams -spaceId $spaceId -apiKey $octopusApiKey -method "GET"
    if ($itemList -is [array])
        Write-OctopusVerbose "Found $($itemList.Length) $itemType."

        return $itemList        
        Write-OctopusVerbose "Found $($itemList.Items.Length) $itemType."

        return $itemList.Items

function Get-RunbookRunDetailsFromTask
    param (

    return Invoke-OctopusApi -endPoint "runbookRuns/$($runbookTask.Arguments.RunbookRunId)" -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -spaceId $runbookTask.SpaceId -apiKey $octopusApiKey -method "GET"

function Get-DeploymentDetailsFromTask
    param (

    return Invoke-OctopusApi -endPoint "deployments/$($deploymentTask.Arguments.DeploymentId)" -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -spaceId $deploymentTask.SpaceId -apiKey $octopusApiKey -method "GET"

$currentTime = $(Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()
$serverNodeSplit = $serverNodes -split ","

$spaceList = Get-OctopusItemList -itemType "Spaces" -endpoint "spaces" -spaceId $null -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -itemLimit 10000 -octopusApiKey $octopusApiKey
foreach ($space in $spaceList)
    $canceledTasks = Get-OctopusItemList -itemType "Cancelled Tasks" -endpoint "tasks?states=Canceled&spaces=$($space.Id)&includeSystem=False" -spaceId $space.Id -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -itemLimit 200 -octopusApiKey $octopusApiKey
    foreach ($task in $canceledTasks)
        if ($task.Name -ne "Deploy" -and $task.Name -ne "RunbookRun")
            Write-Host "The task type is $($task.Name) which is not one we are concerned with, moving on"

        if ($task.ErrorMessage -notlike "*process that was executing the task was terminated unexpectedly*" -and $task.ErrorMessage -notlike "*process that was executing the task was shutdown*")
            Write-Host "This task was not shutdown because of a failover event, moving on"

        $matchingNode = $serverNodeSplit | Where-Object { $task.ServerNode.ToLower() -like "*" + $_.ToLower() + "*" }
        if ($null -eq $matchingNode)
            Write-Host "This task was not executed on a server node that we are looking for, moving on"

        $compareTime = [DateTime]::Parse($task.QueueTime)
        $compareTime = $compareTime.ToUniversalTime()

        $differenceInMinutes = ($currentTime - $compareTime).TotalMinutes
        Write-Host "The current task was queued $differenceInMinutes minutes ago"
        if ($differenceInMinutes -gt $maxAgeInMinutes)
            Write-Host "The current task is too old to be considered for a failover event, moving on"
        Write-OctopusSuccess "The task is a deployment or runbook run that failed on a node that we are concerned with and isn't too old, retrying it."

        if ($task.Name -eq "Deploy")
            Write-OctopusInformation "Task $($task.Id) is a deployment, setting up a redeploy."
            $deploymentInfo = Get-DeploymentDetailsFromTask -deploymentTask $task -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -octopusApiKey $octopusApiKey
            $bodyRaw = @{
                EnvironmentId = $deploymentInfo.EnvironmentId
                ExcludedMachineIds = $deploymentInfo.ExcludedMachineIds
                ForcePackageDownload = $deploymentInfo.ForcePackageDownload
                ForcePackageRedeployment = $deploymentInfo.ForcePackageRedeployment
                FormValues = $deploymentInfo.FormValues
                QueueTime = $null
                QueueTimeExpiry = $null
                ReleaseId = $deploymentInfo.ReleaseId
                SkipActions = $deploymentInfo.SkipActions
                SpecificMachineIds = $deploymentInfo.SpecificMachineIds
                TenantId = $deploymentInfo.TenantId
                UseGuidedFailure = $deploymentInfo.UseGuidedFailure
            $changeReport += "Resubmitted $($task.Description)"
            if ($whatIf -eq $false)
                $newDeployment = Invoke-OctopusApi -endPoint "deployments" -spaceId $task.SpaceId -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -apiKey $octopusApiKey -method "POST" -item $bodyRaw
                Write-OctopusSuccess "$($task.Description) has been successfully resubmitted with the new id $($newDeployment.TaskId)"        
        if ($task.Name -eq "RunbookRun")
            Write-OctopusInformation "Task $($task.Id) is a runbook run, configuring a re-run."
            $runbookInfo = Get-RunbookRunDetailsFromTask -runbookTask $task -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -octopusApiKey $octopusApiKey
            $bodyRaw = @{
                EnvironmentId = $runbookInfo.EnvironmentId
                ExcludedMachineIds = $runbookInfo.ExcludedMachineIds
                ForcePackageDownload = $runbookInfo.ForcePackageDownload
                ForcePackageRedeployment = $runbookInfo.ForcePackageRedeployment
                FormValues = $runbookInfo.FormValues
                QueueTime = $null
                QueueTimeExpiry = $null
                RunbookId = $runbookInfo.RunbookId
                SkipActions = $runbookInfo.SkipActions
                SpecificMachineIds = $runbookInfo.SpecificMachineIds
                TenantId = $runbookInfo.TenantId
                UseGuidedFailure = $runbookInfo.UseGuidedFailure
                FrozenRunbookProcessId = $runbookInfo.FrozenRunbookProcessId
                RunbookSnapshotId = $runbookInfo.RunbookSnapshotId            
            $changeReport += "Resubmitted $($task.Description)"

            if ($whatIf -eq $false)
                $newRunbookRun = Invoke-OctopusApi -endPoint "runbookRuns" -spaceId $task.SpaceId -octopusUrl $octopusUrl -apiKey $octopusApiKey -method "POST" -item $bodyRaw
                Write-OctopusSuccess "$($task.Description) has been successfully resubmitted with the new id $($newRunbookRun.TaskId)" 

Write-OctopusInformation "Change Report:"
foreach ($item in $changeReport)
    Write-OctopusInformation "  $item"

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Page updated on Sunday, January 1, 2023