This script demonstrates how to programmatically run a runbook when the runbook has prompted variables. It will also wait for the runbook run to complete.
Provide values for the following:
- Runbook Base URL
- Runbook API Key
- Name of the space
- Name of the project
- Name of the runbook
- Name of the environment
- Wait for finish
- Use guided failure mode
- Use a published snapshot only
- Cancel in seconds
- Prompted variables
Prompted variable format
In the PowerShell script the prompted variables should be provided in the format Name::Value
with a new line separating them:
PromptedVariableName::My Super Awesome Value
OtherPromptedVariable::Other Super Awesome Value
PowerShell (REST API)
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$runbookBaseUrl = "" ## The base url, IE
$runbookApiKey = "" ## The API KEY
$runbookSpaceName = "Default" ## The name of the space the runbook is located in
$runbookProjectName = "Sample Project" ## the name of the project the runbook is located in
$runbookRunName = "Sample Name" ## the name of the runbook
$runbookEnvironmentName = "" ## The environment name to run the runbook in
$runbookTenantName = "" ## Optional - the name of the tenant to run the runbook for
$runbookWaitForFinish = $true ## set to either $true or $false
$runbookUseGuidedFailure = $false ## set to either $true or $false
$runbookUsePublishedSnapshot = $true ## set to either $true or $false
$runbookCancelInSeconds = 1800 ## 1800 seconds is 30 minutes
$runbookPromptedVariables = "" ## format is "VariableName::VariableValue"
function FindMatchingItemByName
param (
[string] $EndPoint,
[string] $NameToLookFor,
[string] $ItemType,
[string] $APIKey,
[string] $PullFirstItem
$fullUrl = "$($EndPoint)?partialName=$NameToLookFor&skip=0&take=10000"
Write-Host "Attempting to find $ItemType $NameToLookFor by hitting $fullUrl"
$header = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$header.Add("X-Octopus-ApiKey", $APIKey)
$itemList = Invoke-RestMethod $fullUrl -Headers $header
$foundItem = $null
foreach ($item in $itemList.Items)
if ($item.Name -eq $NameToLookFor -or $PullFirstItem)
Write-Host "$ItemType matching $NameToLookFor found"
$foundItem = $item
if ($foundItem -eq $null)
Write-Host "$ItemType $NameToLookFor not found, exiting with error"
exit 1
return $foundItem
Write-Host "Runbook Name $runbookRunName"
Write-Host "Runbook Base Url: $runbookBaseUrl"
Write-Host "Runbook Space Name: $runbookSpaceName"
Write-Host "Runbook Project Name: $runbookProjectName"
Write-Host "Runbook Environment Name: $runbookEnvironmentName"
Write-Host "Runbook Tenant Name: $runbookTenantName"
Write-Host "Wait for Finish: $runbookWaitForFinish"
Write-Host "Use Guided Failure: $runbookUseGuidedFailure"
Write-Host "Cancel run in seconds: $runbookCancelInSeconds"
Write-Host "Prompted Variables: $runbookPromptedVariables"
$header = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$header.Add("X-Octopus-ApiKey", $runbookApiKey)
$spaceToUse = FindMatchingItemByName -EndPoint "$runbookBaseUrl/api/spaces" -NameToLookFor $runbookSpaceName -ItemType "Space" -APIKey $runbookApiKey -PullFirstItem $false
$runbookSpaceId = $spaceToUse.Id
$environmentToUse = FindMatchingItemByName -EndPoint "$runbookBaseUrl/api/$runbookSpaceId/environments" -NameToLookFor $runbookEnvironmentName -ItemType "Environment" -APIKey $runbookApiKey -PullFirstItem $false
$environmentIdToUse = $environmentToUse.Id
$tenantIdToUse = $null
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($runbookTenantName) -eq $false)
$tenantToUse = FindMatchingItemByName -EndPoint "$runbookBaseUrl/api/$runbookSpaceId/tenants" -NameToLookFor $runbookTenantName -ItemType "Tenant" -APIKey $runbookApiKey -PullFirstItem $false
$tenantIdToUse = $tenantToUse.Id
$projectToUse = FindMatchingItemByName -EndPoint "$runbookBaseUrl/api/$runbookSpaceId/projects" -NameToLookFor $runbookProjectName -ItemType "Environment" -APIKey $runbookApiKey -PullFirstItem $false
$projectIdToUse = $projectToUse.Id
$runbookToRun = FindMatchingItemByName -EndPoint "$runbookBaseUrl/api/$runbookSpaceId/projects/$projectIdToUse/runbooks" -NameToLookFor $runbookRunName -ItemType "Runbook" -APIKey $runbookApiKey -PullFirstItem $false
$runbookIdToRun = $runbookToRun.Id
$runbookProjectId = $runbookToRun.ProjectId
$runbookSnapShotIdToUse = $runbookToRun.PublishedRunbookSnapshotId
if ($runbookSnapShotIdToUse -eq $null -and $runbookUsePublishedSnapshot -eq $true)
Write-Host "Use Published Snapshot was set; yet the runbook doesn't have a published snapshot. Exiting"
Exit 1
if ($runbookUsePublishedSnapshot -eq $false)
$snapShotToUse = FindMatchingItemByName -EndPoint "$runbookBaseUrl/api/$runbookSpaceId/runbooks/$runbookIdToRun/runbookSnapshots" -NameToLookFor "" -ItemType "Snapshot" -APIKey $runbookApiKey -PullFirstItem $true
$runbookSnapShotIdToUse = $snapShotToUse.Id
$projectResponse = Invoke-RestMethod "$runbookBaseUrl/api/$runbookSpaceId/projects/$runbookProjectId" -Headers $header
$projectNameForUrl = $projectResponse.Slug
$runbookFormValues = @{}
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($runbookPromptedVariables) -eq $false)
$runBookPreviewUrl = "$runbookBaseUrl/api/$runbookSpaceId/runbooks/$runbookIdToRun/runbookRuns/preview/$environmentIdToUse"
Write-Host "Prompted variables were supplied, hitting the preview endpoint $runbookPreviewUrl"
$runBookPreview = Invoke-RestMethod $runbookPreviewUrl -Headers $header
$promptedValueList = @(($runbookPromptedVariables -Split "`n").Trim())
Write-Host $promptedValueList.Length
foreach($element in $runbookPreview.Form.Elements)
$nameToSearchFor = $element.Control.Name
$uniqueName = $element.Name
$isRequired = $element.Control.Required
$promptedVariableFound = $false
Write-Host "Looking for the prompted variable value for $nameToSearchFor"
foreach ($promptedValue in $promptedValueList)
$splitValue = $promptedValue -Split "::"
Write-Host "Comparing $nameToSearchFor with provided prompted variable $($splitValue[0])"
if ($splitValue.Length -gt 1)
if ($nameToSearchFor -eq $splitValue[0])
Write-Host "Found the prompted variable value $nameToSearchFor"
$runbookFormValues[$uniqueName] = $splitValue[1]
$promptedVariableFound = $true
if ($promptedVariableFound -eq $false -and $isRequired -eq $true)
Write-Host "Unable to find a value for the required prompted variable $nameToSearchFor, exiting"
Exit 1
$runbookBody = @{
RunbookId = $runbookIdToRun;
RunbookSnapShotId = $runbookSnapShotIdToUse;
FrozenRunbookProcessId = $null;
EnvironmentId = $environmentIdToUse;
TenantId = $tenantIdToUse;
SkipActions = @();
QueueTime = $null;
QueueTimeExpiry = $null;
FormValues = $runbookFormValues;
ForcePackageDownload = $false;
ForcePackageRedeployment = $true;
UseGuidedFailure = $runbookUseGuidedFailure;
SpecificMachineIds = @();
ExcludedMachineIds = @()
$runbookBodyAsJson = $runbookBody | ConvertTo-Json
$runbookPostUrl = "$runbookBaseUrl/api/$runbookSpaceId/runbookRuns"
Write-Host "Kicking off runbook run by posting to $runbookPostUrl"
$runBookResponse = Invoke-RestMethod $runbookPostUrl -Method POST -Headers $header -Body $runbookBodyAsJson
$runbookServerTaskId = $runBookResponse.TaskId
$runbookRunId = $runbookResponse.Id
Write-Host "Runbook was successfully invoked, you can access the launched runbook [here]($runbookBaseUrl/app#/$runbookSpaceId/projects/$projectNameForUrl/operations/runbooks/$runbookIdToRun/snapshots/$runbookSnapShotIdToUse/runs/$runbookRunId)"
if ($runbookWaitForFinish -eq $true)
Write-Host "The setting to wait for completion was set, waiting until task has finished"
$startTime = Get-Date
$currentTime = Get-Date
$dateDifference = $currentTime - $startTime
$taskStatusUrl = "$runbookBaseUrl/api/tasks/$runbookServerTaskId"
$numberOfWaits = 0
$runbookSuccessful = $null
While ($dateDifference.TotalSeconds -lt $runbookCancelInSeconds)
Write-Host "Waiting 5 seconds to check status"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
$taskStatusResponse = Invoke-RestMethod $taskStatusUrl -Headers $header
$taskStatusResponseState = $taskStatusResponse.State
if ($taskStatusResponseState -eq "Success")
Write-Host "The task has finished with a status of Success"
$runbookSuccessful = $true
elseif($taskStatusResponseState -eq "Failed" -or $taskStatusResponseState -eq "Canceled")
Write-Host "The task has finished with a status of $taskStatusResponseState status, stopping the run/deployment"
$runbookSuccessful = $false
Write-Host "The task state is currently $taskStatusResponseState"
$startTime = $taskStatusResponse.StartTime
if ($startTime -eq $null)
Write-Host "The task is still queued, let's wait a bit longer"
$startTime = Get-Date
$startTime = [DateTime]$startTime
$currentTime = Get-Date
$dateDifference = $currentTime - $startTime
if ($null -eq $runbookSuccessful)
Write-Host "The cancel timeout has been reached, cancelling the runbook run"
$cancelResponse = Invoke-RestMethod "$runbookBaseUrl/api/tasks/$runbookServerTaskId/cancel" -Headers $header -Method Post
Write-Host "Exiting with an error code of 1 because we reached the timeout"
// If using .net Core, be sure to add the NuGet package of System.Security.Permissions
#r "path\to\Octopus.Client.dll"
using Octopus.Client;
using Octopus.Client.Model;
var octopusURL = "https://your-octopus-url";
var octopusAPIKey = "API-YOUR-KEY";
string spaceName = "Default";
string environmentName = "Development";
string runbookName = "Runbook name";
// Leave blank if you'd like to use the published snapshot
string runbookSnapshotId = "";
Dictionary<string, string> promptedVariables = new Dictionary<string, string>();
// Enter multiple values using the .Add() method
// promptedVariables.Add("prompted-variable1", "variable1-value")
// Create repository object
var endpoint = new OctopusServerEndpoint(octopusURL, octopusAPIKey);
var repository = new OctopusRepository(endpoint);
var client = new OctopusClient(endpoint);
// Get space
var space = repository.Spaces.FindByName(spaceName);
var repositoryForSpace = client.ForSpace(space);
// Get runbook
var runbook = repositoryForSpace.Runbooks.FindOne(n => n.Name == runbookName);
// Get environment
var environment = repositoryForSpace.Environments.FindByName(environmentName);
// Use published snapshot if no id provided
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(runbookSnapshotId))
runbookSnapshotId = runbook.PublishedRunbookSnapshotId;
var runbookTemplate = repositoryForSpace.Runbooks.GetRunbookRunTemplate(runbook);
var deploymentPromotionTarget = runbookTemplate.PromoteTo.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == environmentName);
var runbookPreview = repositoryForSpace.Runbooks.GetPreview(deploymentPromotionTarget);
var formValues = new Dictionary<string, string>();
// Associate variable values for the runbook
foreach (var variableName in promptedVariables.Keys)
var element = runbookPreview.Form.Elements.FirstOrDefault(e => (e.Control as Octopus.Client.Model.Forms.VariableValue).Name == variableName);
if (element != null)
var runbookPromptedVariableId = element.Name;
var runbookPromptedVariableValue = promptedVariables[variableName];
formValues.Add(runbookPromptedVariableId, runbookPromptedVariableValue);
// Create runbook run object
Octopus.Client.Model.RunbookRunResource runbookRun = new RunbookRunResource();
runbookRun.EnvironmentId = environment.Id;
runbookRun.RunbookId = runbook.Id;
runbookRun.ProjectId = runbook.ProjectId;
runbookRun.RunbookSnapshotId = runbookSnapshotId;
runbookRun.FormValues = formValues;
// Execute runbook
catch (Exception ex)
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Page updated on Sunday, January 1, 2023