Start, stop, install, and configure the Tentacle service

Service options

Usage: tentacle service [<options>]

Where [<options>] is any of:

      --start                Start the service if it is not already running
      --stop                 Stop the service if it is running
      --restart              Restart the service if it is running
      --reconfigure          Reconfigure the service
      --install              Install the service
      --username, --user=VALUE
                             Username to run the service under
                               (DOMAIN\Username format for Windows). Only used
                               when --install or --reconfigure are used.  Can
                               also be passed via an environment variable
                               OCTOPUS_SERVICE_USERNAME. Defaults to 'root' for
                               Systemd services.
      --uninstall            Uninstall the service
      --password=VALUE       Password for the username specified with --
                               username. Only used when --install or --
                               reconfigure are used. Can also be passed via an
                               environment variable OCTOPUS_SERVICE_PASSWORD.
      --instance=VALUE       Name of the instance to use, or * to use all

Or one of the common options:

      --help                 Show detailed help for this command

Basic examples

This example stops the default Tentacle service:

tentacle service --stop

This example restarts the Tentacle service for instance MyNewInstance:

tentacle service --restart --instance="MyNewInstance"

This example uninstalls the Tentacle service for instance MyNewInstance:

tentacle service --uninstall --instance="MyNewInstance"

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Page updated on Sunday, January 1, 2023