Create project

The Octopus CLI can be used to create a project inside a project group.

Creates a project.

Usage: octo create-project [<options>]

Where [<options>] is any of:

Project creation:

      --name=VALUE           The name of the project.
      --projectGroup=VALUE   The name of the project group to add this
                             project to. If the group doesn't exist, it will
                             be created.
      --lifecycle=VALUE      The name of the lifecycle that the project will
      --ignoreIfExists       If the project already exists, an error will be
                             returned. Set this flag to ignore the error.

Common options:

      --help                 [Optional] Print help for a command.
                             [Optional] Output format for help, valid options
                             are Default or Json
      --outputFormat=VALUE   [Optional] Output format, valid options are
                             Default or Json
      --server=VALUE         [Optional] The base URL for your Octopus Server,
                             e.g., ''. This URL
                             can also be set in the OCTOPUS_CLI_SERVER
                             environment variable.
      --apiKey=VALUE         [Optional] Your API key. Get this from the user
                             profile page. You must provide an apiKey or
                             username and password. If the guest account is
                             enabled, a key of API-GUEST can be used. This
                             key can also be set in the OCTOPUS_CLI_API_KEY
                             environment variable.
      --user=VALUE           [Optional] Username to use when authenticating
                             with the server. You must provide an apiKey or
                             username and password. This Username can also be
                             set in the OCTOPUS_CLI_USERNAME environment
      --pass=VALUE           [Optional] Password to use when authenticating
                             with the server. This Password can also be set
                             in the OCTOPUS_CLI_PASSWORD environment variable.
      --configFile=VALUE     [Optional] Text file of default values, with one
                             'key = value' per line.
      --debug                [Optional] Enable debug logging.
      --ignoreSslErrors      [Optional] Set this flag if your Octopus Server
                             uses HTTPS but the certificate is not trusted on
                             this machine. Any certificate errors will be
                             ignored. WARNING: this option may create a
                             security vulnerability.
                             [Optional] Enable TeamCity or Team Foundation
                             Build service messages when logging.
      --timeout=VALUE        [Optional] Timeout in seconds for network
                             operations. Default is 600.
      --proxy=VALUE          [Optional] The URL of the proxy to use, e.g.,
      --proxyUser=VALUE      [Optional] The username for the proxy.
      --proxyPass=VALUE      [Optional] The password for the proxy. If both
                             the username and password are omitted and
                             proxyAddress is specified, the default
                             credentials are used.
      --space=VALUE          [Optional] The name or ID of a space within
                             which this command will be executed. The default
                             space will be used if it is omitted.
      --logLevel=VALUE       [Optional] The log level. Valid options are
                             verbose, debug, information, warning, error and
                             fatal. Defaults to 'debug'.

Basic example

The following command creates a project called MyWebApp into the project group MyProjectGroup:

octo create-project --name MyWebApp --projectgroup MyProjectGroup --server --apikey MyAPIKey

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Page updated on Sunday, January 1, 2023