Troubleshooting .NET configuration transforms

If you’re new to .NET configuration transformation, first check the package(s) part of the deployment are structured and contain what you expect. Following on from that review the deployment logs and output of the package(s) on your deployment targets to get investigate any unexpected behavior. You can try using the Octopus.Action.Package.TreatConfigTransformationWarningsAsErrors variable defined in the System Variables section of the documentation while you set it up the first time.

Advanced .NET configuration transforms examples

.NET Configuration transforms can sometimes be complicated to setup. As a general rule, its best to have both configuration file and transform file in the same directory, however, this is not always achievable.

This page lists the supported scenarios and the transform definitions required to apply the transform.

Supported scenarios

Absolute Path Relative Path Filename

Wildcard Prefixed

Absolute Path

Wildcard Prefixed

Relative Path

Wildcard Prefixed



Absolute Path not supported not supported Example not supported Example Example
Relative Path not supported Example Example not supported Example Example
Filename not supported Example Example not supported Example Example
Wildcard Absolute Path not supported not supported Example not supported Example Example
Wildcard Relative Path not supported Example Example not supported Example Example
Wildcard Filename not supported Example Example not supported Example Example

Wildcard support Please note that wildcards can be used anywhere in the transform filename (eg *.mytransform.config or web.*.config), but can only be used at the start of the target filename (eg *.mytransform.config, but not web.*.config)

Enable detailed transform diagnostics logging To enable detailed logging of the process that searches for config transformations, add the variable Octopus.Action.Package.EnableDiagnosticsConfigTransformationLoggingand set its value to True.

Transform and target are in the same directory

Given a package which has the structure:


Then the transform web.mytransform.config => web.config will:

  • Apply the transform web.mytransform.config to file web.config.

Applying a transform against a target in a different folder

Given a package which has the structure:

| └─web.config

Then the transform web.mytransform.config => config\web.config will:

  • Apply the transform web.mytransform.config to file config\web.config.

Transform and multiple targets are in the same directory

Given a package which has the structure:


Then the transform connstrings.mytransform.config => *.config will:

  • Apply the transform connstrings.mytransform.config to file web.config.
  • Apply the transform connstrings.mytransform.config to file app.config.

Applying a transform against multiple targets in a different directory

Given a package which has the structure:

| ├─app.config
| └─web.config

Then the transform connstrings.mytransform.config => config\*.config will:

  • Apply the transform connstrings.mytransform.config to file config\web.config.
  • Apply the transform connstrings.mytransform.config to file config\app.config.

Using an absolute path to the transform

Given a package which has the structure:

| └─web.config

And the following files exist:


Then the transform c:\transforms\web.mytransform.config => web.config will:

  • Apply the transform c:\transforms\web.mytransform.config to file web.config.
  • Apply the transform c:\transforms\web.mytransform.config to file subdir\web.config.

Applying a transform with an absolute path to a target in the extraction path root

This transform is available in Octopus Server 3.8.8 (Calamari 3.6.43) or later

Given a package which has the structure:

| └─web.config

And the following files exist:


Then the transform c:\transforms\web.mytransform.config => .\web.config will:

  • Apply the transform c:\transforms\web.mytransform.config to file web.config.

Applying a transform with an absolute path to a target relative to the extraction path

Given a package which has the structure:

| └─web.config

And the following files exist:


Then the transform c:\transforms\web.mytransform.config => .\subdir\web.config will:

  • Apply the transform c:\transforms\web.mytransform.config to file subdir\web.config.

Applying a transform with an absolute path against multiple files in a different directory

Given a package which has the structure:


And the following files exist:


Then the transform c:\transforms\connstrings.mytransform.config => config\*.config will:

  • Apply the transform c:\transforms\connstrings.mytransform.config to file config\web.config.
  • Apply the transform c:\transforms\connstrings.mytransform.config to file config\app.config.

Using an absolute path to the transform, and applying it against multiple files

Given a package which has the structure:


And the following files exist:


Then the transform c:\transforms\connstrings.mytransform.config => *.config will:

  • Apply the transform c:\transforms\connstrings.mytransform.config to file web.config.
  • Apply the transform c:\transforms\connstrings.mytransform.config to file app.config.

Applying a transform from a different directory

Given a package which has the structure:

| └─web.mytransform.config

Then the transform transforms\web.mytransform.config => web.config will:

  • Apply the transform transforms\web.mytransform.config to file web.config.

Applying a transform to a target in a sibling directory

Given a package which has the structure:

| └─web.config

Then the transform transforms\web.mytransform.config => config\web.config will:

  • Apply the transform transforms\web.mytransform.config to file config\web.config.

Applying a transform from a different directory against multiple files

Given a package which has the structure:

| └─connstrings.mytransform.config

Then the transform transforms\connstrings.mytransform.config => *.config will:

  • Apply the transform transforms\connstrings.mytransform.config to file web.config.
  • Apply the transform transforms\connstrings.mytransform.config to file app.config.

Applying a transform to multiple targets in a sibling directory

Given a package which has the structure:

| ├─app.config
| └─web.config

Then the transform transforms\connstrings.mytransform.config => config\*.config will:

  • Apply the transform transforms\connstrings.mytransform.config to file config\web.config.
  • Apply the transform transforms\connstrings.mytransform.config to file config\app.config.

Applying multiple transforms to a single target where both are in the same directory

Given a package which has the structure:


Then the transform *.mytransform.config => web.config will:

  • Apply the transform security.mytransform.config to file web.config.
  • Apply the transform connstrings.mytransform.config to file web.config.

Wildcard transform with wildcard in the middle of the filename to a single target where both are in the same directory

Given a package which has the structure:


Then the transform MyApp.*.octopus.config => MyApp.WinSvc.exe.config will:

  • Apply the transform MyApp.connstrings.octopus.config to file MyApp.WinSvc.exe.config.

Applying multiple transforms to a single target in a different directory

Given a package which has the structure:

| └─web.config

Then the transform *.mytransform.config => config\web.config will:

  • Apply the transform security.mytransform.config to file config\web.config.
  • Apply the transform connstrings.mytransform.config to file config\web.config.

Applying multiple transforms against multiple targets

Given a package which has the structure:


Then the transform *.mytransform.config => *.config will:

  • Apply the transform web.mytransform.config to file web.config.
  • Apply the transform app.mytransform.config to file app.config.

Applying multiple transforms against multiple targets in a different directory

Given a package which has the structure:

| ├─App.config
| └─web.config

Then the transform *.mytransform.config => config\*.config will:

  • Apply the transform web.mytransform.config to file config\web.config.
  • Apply the transform app.mytransform.config to file config\app.config.

Applying multiple absolute path transforms to the same target file

Given a package which has the structure:

| └─web.config

And the following files exist:


Then the transform c:\transforms\*.mytransform.config => web.config will:

  • Apply the transform c:\transforms\connstrings.mytransform.config to file web.config.
  • Apply the transform c:\transforms\security.mytransform.config to file web.config.
  • Apply the transform c:\transforms\connstrings.mytransform.config to file subdir\web.config.
  • Apply the transform c:\transforms\security.mytransform.config to file subdir\web.config.

Using an absolute path wildcard transform and multiple targets

Given a package which has the structure:

| ├─app.config
| └─web.config

And the following files exist:


Then the transform c:\transforms\*.mytransform.config => *.config will:

  • Apply the transform c:\transforms\web.mytransform.config to file web.config.
  • Apply the transform c:\transforms\app.mytransform.config to file app.config.
  • Apply the transform c:\transforms\web.mytransform.config to file subdir\web.config.
  • Apply the transform c:\transforms\app.mytransform.config to file subdir\app.config.

Using an absolute path for multiple transforms against multiple relative files

Given a package which has the structure:


And the following files exist:


Then the transform c:\transforms\*.mytransform.config => config\*.config will:

  • Apply the transform c:\transforms\web.mytransform.config to file config\web.config.
  • Apply the transform c:\transforms\app.mytransform.config to file config\app.config.

Applying multiple relative transforms against a specific target

Given a package which has the structure:

| ├─connstrings.mytransform.config
| └─security.mytransform.config

Then the transform transforms\*.mytransform.config => web.config will:

  • Apply the transform transforms\connstrings.mytransform.config to file web.config.
  • Apply the transform transforms\security.mytransform.config to file web.config.

Applying multiple transforms in a different directory to a single target in a different directory

Given a package which has the structure:

| └─web.config

Then the transform transforms\*.mytransform.config => config\web.config will:

  • Apply the transform transforms\connstrings.mytransform.config to file config\web.config.
  • Apply the transform transforms\security.mytransform.config to file config\web.config.

Applying transforms from a different directory to multiple targets

Given a package which has the structure:

| ├─app.mytransform.config
| └─web.mytransform.config

Then the transform transforms\*.mytransform.config => *.config will:

  • Apply the transform transforms\web.mytransform.config to file web.config.
  • Apply the transform transforms\app.mytransform.config to file app.config.

Applying transforms from a different directory to targets in a different directory

Given a package which has the structure:

| ├─app.config
| └─web.config

Then the transform transforms\.mytransform.config => config\.config will:

  • Apply the transform transforms\web.mytransform.config to file config\web.config.
  • Apply the transform transforms\app.mytransform.config to file config\app.config.

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Page updated on Sunday, January 1, 2023