Create an Azure subscription account in Octopus Deploy
octopus account azure create [flags]
create, new
-d, -- string A summary explaining the use of the account to other users.
--ad-endpoint-base-uri string Set this only if you need to override the default Active Directory Endpoint.
--application-id string Your Azure Active Directory Application ID.
--application-key string The password for the Azure Active Directory application.
--azure-environment string Set only if you are using an isolated Azure Environment. Configure isolated Azure Environment. Valid option are AzureChinaCloud, AzureChinaCloud, AzureGermanCloud or AzureUSGovernment
-D, --description-file file Read the description from file
-e, --environment stringArray The environments that are allowed to use this account
-n, --name string A short, memorable, unique name for this account.
--resource-management-base-uri string Set this only if you need to override the default Resource Management Endpoint.
--subscription-id string Your Azure subscription ID.
--tenant-id string Your Azure Active Directory Tenant ID.
Global Flags:
-h, --help Show help for a command
--no-prompt Disable prompting in interactive mode
-f, --output-format string Specify the output format for a command ("json", "table", or "basic") (default "table")
-s, --space string Specify the space for operations
Octopus Samples instance
Many of the examples we use, reference the samples instance of Octopus Deploy. If you’d like to explore the samples instance, you can log in as a guest.
$ octopus account azure create
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Page updated on Thursday, December 5, 2024