Java error messages and troubleshooting

The Java deployment steps include a number of unique error codes that may be displayed in the output if there was an error. Below is a list of the errors, along with any additional troubleshooting steps that can be taken to rectify them.


There was an error taking a snapshot of the current configuration.


There was an error deploying the artifact.


There was an error reading the existing deployments.


There was an error adding the package to the server group.


There was an error deploying the package to the server group.

This may be due to duplicate context paths. Check that the context path is not already assigned to an existing application.

See Defining Context Paths for more information on how context paths are assigned in WildFly.

This may also occur if invalid server group names where supplied when deploying to a domain controller. Look for entries like this in the verbose log output:

INFO: Result as JSON: {
    "outcome" : "failed",
    "failure-description" : "WFLYCTL0216: Management resource '[(\"server-group\" => \"invalid-server-group-name\")]' not found",
    "rolled-back" : true


There was an error undeploying the package to the server group


There was an error deploying the package to the standalone server.

This may be due to duplicate context paths. Check that the context path is not already assigned to an existing application.

See Defining Context Paths for more information on how context paths are assigned in WildFly.

This may also be caused by an error that prevents the application being deployed from starting up. Check the application server logs for more information.


There was an error enabling the package in the standalone server


There was an error logging into the management API.

Ensure the server has started and that the ip/hostname and port details are correct.

Make sure the credentials are correct.


There was an error logging out of the management API


There was an error terminating the CLI object


There was an error changing the deployed state of the application.

Make sure the application name is correct.


The login was not completed in a reasonable amount of time.

This can happen if no credentials where supplied with the step, and silent authentication failed.

Either supply credentials to be used, or ensure that the user performing the deployment (the Tentacle service user in Windows or the SSH user in Linux and MacOS) has access to the application server $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/tmp/auth or $JBOSS_HOME/domain/tmp/auth directory.

Also ensure that the hostname and port are correct. You should be able to open the admin console using these details.

Wildfly Admin Console


An exception was thrown during the deployment.


Failed to deploy the package to the WildFly/EAP standalone instance


Failed to deploy the package to the WildFly/EAP domain


There was a mismatch between the server type defined in the Octopus Deploy step and the server that was being deployed to. For example, the Octopus Deploy step defined the server as Standalone in the Standalone or Domain Server field, but the server was actually a domain controller. This error won’t stop the deployment, but possibly means that the Octopus Step has not configured the correct fields.


There was an error deploying the package to Tomcat


There was an error deploying a tagged package to Tomcat


There was an error undeploying a package from Tomcat


There was an error enabling or disabling a package in Tomcat


This is a catch all error message for unexpected errors during a Tomcat deployment. Ensure that:

  • The manager URL is correct. Ensure the URL includes the context of the manager application, and that the port and hostname/IP address are correct. Also ensure that the hostname/IP address can be resolved from the target machine hosting the Tentacle. A common example of a correct manager URL is http://localhost:8080/manager.
  • The Tomcat credentials are correct, and that the Tomcat user has been granted the manager-script role.
  • The firewall allows connection to the Tomcat server.
  • Tomcat is started and running.

If you see errors such as:

23:22:33   Error    |       TOMCAT-DEPLOY-ERROR-0005: An exception was thrown during the deployment.
23:22:33   Error    |       org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to tomcat-server:8080 [tomcat-server/] failed: Connection refused

Then ensure that the IP address of the tomcat server ( in this example, as found in the list [tomcat-server/]) is valid. If not, there may be a DNS issue.

It may also be the case that the tomcat process running does not have the necessary permissions to modify the filesystem. Ensure that the process is running with the correct privileges.


A HTTP return code indicated that the login failed due to bad credentials. Make sure the username and password are correct.


A HTTP return code indicated that the login failed due to invalid group membership. Make sure the user is part of the manager-script group in the tomcat-users.xml file.

See the Tomcat documentation for more details on the groups used by the manager application.


The application was not successfully started or stopped.

This can happen if the application failed to initialize. Check the Tomcat logs for information on why the application could not be started.

Also confirm that the context path and version match a deployed application.

This is treated as a warning during deployment, but an error if encountered during the Tomcat start/stop step.


The Deploy a package step was used with an unsupported package. This step does not support specialized file formats, like those used with Java packages.

You may want to use a step like Deploy Java Archive instead.




You have attempted to deploy a certificate using a protocol that is not supported by the installed version of Tomcat.




You have attempted to add an additional certificate to an existing <Connector> configuration in Tomcat 8.5 and above, or overwrite an existing <Connector> configuration, where the new protocol does not match the existing protocol. For example the configuration already defines a <Connector> with the NIO protocol, and you are attempting to add a certificate with the APR protocol. This is not supported as changing the protocol may leave existing configurations in an invalid state.

This error may also be thrown if a certificate is being added to an existing <Connector> that does not define the protocol attribute. Tomcat will auto-switch between APR and NIO if the protocol attribute is not set, but Octopus requires a fixed implementation to be defined before it can deploy a certificate.

To solve this problem, either deploy the certificate using the same protocol that is already configured in the <Connector>, manually remove the existing <Connector> and redeploy the certificate via Octopus, or manually configure the <Connector> to use the new protocol and then deploy the certificate into it with Octopus.


Tomcat 8.5 and above do not support the BIO protocol.


If we have an existing configuration like this:


then this certificate configuration is assumed to have the hostName of myHostName, because it is derived from the defaultSSLHostConfigName attribute. At this point trying to add another default <SSLHostConfig> element will fail. For example, this is not a valid configuration:

      <SSLHostConfig hostName="myHostName">
          <Certificate ... />

The above will throw an error about having duplicate default configurations.

The error TOMCAT-HTTPS-ERROR-0008 means Octopus prevented a certificate deployment that would lead to this invalid configuration.

You can fix this error by not deploying the new certificate as the default, or by manually moving the certificate configuration from the <Connector> element into a <SSLHostConfig> before deploying another certificate with Octopus.


Tomcat 7.0 does not support the Non-Blocking IO 2 Connector


The server.xml file could not be found.

When the CATALINA_BASE location is defined, server.xml is expected to be found at $CATALINA_BASE/conf/server.xml.

When the CATALINA_BASE location is not defined, server.xml is expected to be found at CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml.

Ensure that the CATALINA_BASE directory is valid (if it is defined) and that the user account performing the deployment (i.e. the Tentacle service or the SSH user) has permissions to access the server.xml file.


Failed to extract the version number from the information supplied.


Failed to generate a unique file.


The server.xml file was not valid XML, or was not accessible.

Check to make sure that the user running the Octopus Tentacle in Windows or the SSH user in Linux/MacOS has permissions to read the server.xml file.


Failed to save the server.xml file.

Check to make sure that the user running the Octopus Tentacle in Windows or the SSH user in Linux/MacOS has permissions to write to the server.xml file.


The private key could not be created.

Check to make sure that the user running the Octopus Tentacle in Windows or the SSH user in Linux/MacOS has permissions to create files in the Tomcat conf directory.


The public key could not be created.

Check to make sure that the user running the Octopus Tentacle in Windows or the SSH user in Linux/MacOS has permissions to create files in the Tomcat conf directory.


Failed to find the lib/catalina.jar file in the Tomcat directory.

Make sure the Tomcat installation path is correct.

Also check to make sure that the user running the Octopus Tentacle in Windows or the SSH user in Linux/MacOS has permissions list the Tomcat lib directory, and has read access to the lib/catalina.jar file.


The path defined to hold the keys does not exist.


The keystore, private key or public key filename must be an absolute path if it is specified.


An exception was thrown during the HTTPS configuration.


There was an error configuring the Elytron server SSL context


There was an error removing the legacy security realm, or an error creating the keystore file.

Check for an error like /opt/wildfly/standalone/configuration/Internet_Widgits_Pty_Ltd1.keystore (Permission denied) , and ensure the Tentacle user account has the correct permissions to create the keystore file.


There was an error adding the Elytron security context.


There was an error with the batched operation to remove the legacy security realm and add the Elytron security context.


There was an error reloading the server.


There was an error adding the Elytron key store.


There was an error configuring the Elytron key store.


There was an error adding the Elytron key manager.


There was an error configuring the Elytron key manager.


There was an error adding the Elytron server ssl context.


There was an error configuring the Elytron server ssl context.


There was an error reading the app server config path.


Configuring a keystore requires that the keystore name be defined.


A required property was not defined.


The server being configured did not match the type of server (either standalone or domain) defined in the step.


There was an error adding the security realm.


There was an error adding the keystore to the security realm.


There was an error configuring the existing keystore information in the security realm.


There was an error getting the undertow servers.


There was an error adding a new https listener in undertow.

This can happen if the application server fails to start an existing https listener. Check the log files for messages like:

No SSL Context available from security realm 'realmname'. Either the realm is not configured for SSL, or the server has not been reloaded since the SSL config was added.


There was an error configuring the existing https listener.


Failed to get the default interface for socket group.


Failed to get the https socket binding.


Failed to get socket binding for standalone.


There was an error adding a new https connector in the web subsystem.


There was an error configuring the existing https connector.


Failed to get socket binding for host.


Failed to get slave hosts.


Failed to get master hosts.


Failed to get master hosts.


Failed to get servers for host.


Failed to save legacy web subsystem https connector as a batch operation.


A supplied profile did not exist in the domain.


The server is not in a running state.


Failed to find either web or undertow subsystems.

This means that Calamari has tried to find either the web or undertow subsystem to determine how the certificate is to be configured, and neither could be found. This probably means the server is still starting up and is not responding to the read-resource queries.


Failed to load any extensions.


The keystore filename must be an absolute path if it is specified.

For example, you may have entered a value like as the Keystore Filename. This value is required to be a path like C:\ or /opt/


When the keystore is not relative to a path, it must be absolute.


When the keystore is relative to a path, it must not absolute.


There was an error entering batch mode.


There was an error running the batch.


Certificate file does not contain any certificates. This is probably because the input certificate file is invalid.


Could not find a private key. This is probably because the input key file is invalid.


The path supplied as the location of a unique file was not a directory.


The path supplied as the location of a unique file does not exist.


Failed to create the keystore file.

Ensure that the user running the Tentacle service for a Windows target or the SSH account Octopus uses to connect to the Linux or MacOS target has permissions to create a new file, or overwrite the existing file, at the configured path.


An exception was thrown during the deployment of the Java keystore.


The keystoreName and defaultCertificateLocation both can not be blank.


The keystore filename must be an absolute path if it is specified.

For example, you may have entered a value like as the Keystore Filename. This value is required to be a path like C:\ or /opt/


The keystore filename must be supplied.

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Page updated on Sunday, January 1, 2023