This command exports configuration data to a directory.
Usage: octopus.migrator export [<options>]
Where [<options>] is any of:
--instance=VALUE Name of the instance to use
--config=VALUE Configuration file to use
--directory=VALUE The target directory for the exported data file-
s. This directory will be created if it does not
already exist. Use the --clean argument to purge
an existing directory before exporting the data
--clean [Optional] Remove all contents of target
directory before exporting the data files. This
cannot be undone.
--password=VALUE Password used to encrypt any sensitive values.
This is the password you will use when importing
the data into another Octopus Server.
--include-tasklogs [Optional] Use this argument to include the task
log folder as part of the data export. Default
is to ignore task logs.
--inline-scripts=VALUE [Optional] Use this argument to choose how
inline scripts in your deployment processes will
be exported. Valid options for --inline-scripts
are CopyToFiles, ExtractToFiles, LeaveInline.
Default is CopyToFiles.
Or one of the common options:
--help Show detailed help for this command
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Page updated on Sunday, January 1, 2023