Octopus.Script exported 2015-07-02 by jbennett belongs to ‘Windows’ category.
Replace values in a .reg file (Registry Export) automatically with octopus variables.
When steps based on the template are included in a project’s deployment process, the parameters below can be set.
Registry Exports
A list of .reg files (Registry exports) separated by a ;
Script body
Steps based on this template will execute the following PowerShell script.
# Running outside octopus
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
function Get-Param($Name, [switch]$Required, $Default) {
$result = $null
if ($OctopusParameters -ne $null) {
$result = $OctopusParameters[$Name]
if ($result -eq $null) {
$variable = Get-Variable $Name -EA SilentlyContinue
if ($variable -ne $null) {
$result = $variable.Value
if ($result -eq $null) {
if ($Required) {
throw "Missing parameter value $Name"
} else {
$result = $Default
return $result
# More custom functions would go here
& {
Write-Host "Registry Export Configuration Variables"
Write-Host "regExports: $regExports"
ForEach ($regExp in $regExports.Split(';')) {
$regFile = $regExp.Trim()
if( $regFile.Length -lt 1 ){ break }
$output = ""
$fi=Get-Item $regFile
$outputLine = $line
if($line -match "`"=`""){
$keyValue = $line -split "`"=`""
$key = $keyValue[0] -replace "^`"" , ""
$oldVal = $keyValue[1] -replace "`"$" , ""
$newVal = $OctopusParameters[$key]
Write-Host "Looking for key $key in OctopusParameters hash"
Write-Host "Updating $key from $oldVal to $newVal"
$outputLine = "`"$key`"=`"$newVal`""
$output += $outputLine + "`r`n"
$output | Out-File "c:\temp\output.reg"
} `
(Get-Param 'regExports' -Required)
Provided under the Apache License version 2.0.
To use this template in Octopus Deploy, copy the JSON below and paste it into the Library → Step templates → Import dialog.
"Id": "7f9c1f6d-8305-4a37-a4c6-9b47ea4699d9",
"Name": "Registry - Update Configuration Variables In Export File",
"Description": "Replace values in a .reg file (Registry Export) automatically with octopus variables.",
"Version": 2,
"ExportedAt": "2015-07-02T14:59:00.322+00:00",
"ActionType": "Octopus.Script",
"Author": "jbennett",
"Parameters": [
"Name": "regExports",
"Label": "Registry Exports",
"HelpText": "A list of .reg files (Registry exports) separated by a ;",
"DefaultValue": null,
"DisplaySettings": {
"Octopus.ControlType": "MultiLineText"
"Properties": {
"Octopus.Action.Script.ScriptBody": "# Running outside octopus\nparam(\n [string]$regExports\n) \n\n$ErrorActionPreference = \"Stop\" \n\nfunction Get-Param($Name, [switch]$Required, $Default) {\n $result = $null\n\n if ($OctopusParameters -ne $null) {\n $result = $OctopusParameters[$Name]\n }\n\n if ($result -eq $null) {\n $variable = Get-Variable $Name -EA SilentlyContinue \n if ($variable -ne $null) {\n $result = $variable.Value\n }\n }\n\n if ($result -eq $null) {\n if ($Required) {\n throw \"Missing parameter value $Name\"\n } else {\n $result = $Default\n }\n }\n\n return $result\n}\n\n# More custom functions would go here\n\n& {\n param(\n [string]$regExports\n ) \n\n Write-Host \"Registry Export Configuration Variables\"\n Write-Host \"regExports: $regExports\"\n\n ForEach ($regExp in $regExports.Split(';')) {\n \n $regFile = $regExp.Trim()\n \n if( $regFile.Length -lt 1 ){ break }\n\n $output = \"\"\n\n $fi=Get-Item $regFile\n $file=$fi.OpenText()\n\n While(!($file.EndOfStream)){\n $line=$file.ReadLine()\n $outputLine = $line\n\n if($line -match \"`\"=`\"\"){\n $keyValue = $line -split \"`\"=`\"\"\n $key = $keyValue[0] -replace \"^`\"\" , \"\"\n $oldVal = $keyValue[1] -replace \"`\"$\" , \"\"\n $newVal = $OctopusParameters[$key]\n \n Write-Host \"Looking for key $key in OctopusParameters hash\"\n\n if($newVal){\n Write-Host \"Updating $key from $oldVal to $newVal\"\n $outputLine = \"`\"$key`\"=`\"$newVal`\"\"\n }\n }\n \n $output += $outputLine + \"`r`n\"\n }\n\n $output | Out-File \"c:\\temp\\output.reg\"\n }\n\n } `\n(Get-Param 'regExports' -Required)",
"Octopus.Action.Script.Syntax": "PowerShell"
"Category": "Windows",
"HistoryUrl": "https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/Library/commits/master/step-templates//opt/buildagent/work/75443764cd38076d/step-templates/registry-update-configuration-variables-in-export-file.json",
"Website": "/step-templates/7f9c1f6d-8305-4a37-a4c6-9b47ea4699d9",
"$Meta": {
"Type": "ActionTemplate"
Page updated on Thursday, July 2, 2015